The Greatest Betrayal Never Told

in #history7 years ago

Throughout history, we've seen empires rise and we've seen them fall, but people remain, even though their right to exist is questioned. Our time to speak about apartheid and ethnic cleansing, and even question history and propaganda, is coming to a close on the internet, and perhaps in real life, as videos are being flagged, search results are being filtered, history is being erased, while individuals who dare question the narrative they're being fed are labeled "extremists", spouting "hate speech", and sometimes, are even jailed as a result.

So while we can, we should talk about things that matter, like the individuals and situations that play a direct role in wars and rumors of wars, as we all exist in a state of endless war, and there are some folks who'd like to keep it that way, 'cause it benefits them. That's why today we're going to talk about the Golan Heights, or the Syrian Golan, two-thirds of which are occupied by Israel, serving as the epicenter of conflict in the Middle East. Within the hotbed of chaos sits a curious cast of familiar characters, stoking the flames and collecting the spoils of war under the banner of a company by the name of Genie Energy.

Here's my video, "The Greatest Betrayal Never Told":


More money has been lost than can be ever made from this oil, also so many lives have been lost and the world has been pushed into a never ending war but the greed is still there. The world truly is a skrewed up place right now.

Then the Magic Question comes: how can this zionists say "Its Worth It"

Depopulation? YinonPlan? And a Psychopaths Mind, maybe?

The reason why US is going to war especially in middle east is not about going after the terrorist, but go after the oil. Our government want to control oil in that region. Our goverment is willing to sacrifice us, they stage attack like the infamous 9/11, our government kill our families and friend to go after Afghanistan, make a false treat of bio weapon, Iraq. But the real threat, north korea, they did not do any move. Why, for what nokor dont rich in oil.

Really Grelacefull you are one of my favorite content creators! I am so glad to see you on $ I'll commit to upvoting, re$teeming & following every one of your post. My wife & I both get so excited when we see a new video by you. Be sure to check out the origonal content on my page as well. Upvoted, re$teemed & following!

While I thought your video was well made, you are not very well informed as to actual history. You are too young to have lived through this, so, you can be forgiven for not fully understanding the global political situation before you were born. It is evidence, however that your education has been severely lacking in historical geopolitics.
What you have presented here is not history or fact. It is instead a propaganda hit piece put out to push an anti-semitic worldview.
I am not jewish, nor do I even know very many people who are, but even I can see this as politically motivated revisionist history. Some of the facts are accurate, but they are interpreted with a decidedly negative view of Israel and it's people.
You have taken your political and philosophical views and used them as a filter for your worldview (As does everyone, I concede).
The problem is that you then discarded any facts that may have shown flaws in your argument, and presented it as history.
My issue with this is that it creates a political (or, philosophical) "Hit Piece" that twists several progressive leftist (communist) views with an undeniable touch of fascism. To create an anti-semitic revisionist view of history. In addition, you have woven five or six different conspiracy theories into a rope of ignorance, set to snare the unwary and the uninformed.
If you had stayed to corporate corruption, political malfeasance, greed, and the foundation of a new world order, I would have been far more sympathetic to your arguments. But, no, you had to include a racist conspiracy to conquer the world in order to justify your case. It weakens every other argument you make.
I hope life treats you kindly.
Be well.

" It is instead a propaganda hit piece put out to push an anti-semitic worldview"
What a JOKE!

Looks like somebody got snared by that rope of ignorance.

There are Jews, as pointed out, who aren't Zionists. Khazarians claim to be Jews. Very different cultures. I noticed this as a child but didn't know the names for "good Jews" or "bad Jews." If you've never encountered a very aggressive person trying to steal from you or take by deception, you need to learn what that is, which may open your eyes. Not anti-Jewish. I'm anti-corruption. The bad guys love to lump a lot of things together under one label, one word. Then they claim you're being bad to the good people.

business as usual. I just love your work, Grace! Thanks again