In light of recent current events involving the Rise of the Right Wing, debates about “How nationalistic one can be without being called a fascist” and the real concerns and issues of specific groups being dismissed with a mere word and not a real debate and dialogue.
It is clear we may be heading towards some kind of crisis situation.
As the Historians of Coruscant had done once before when faced with their new crises they encountered after the fall of Emperor Palpatine’s Galactic Empire. I feel that we too must look to our own pasts to determine where to go in these confusing and tumultuous times where it seems as if anything that was previously thought impossible can happen as simply as the fact that you can breathe at any time!
For the start of our journey Let us go back to the time of the Beginning of our Own Brave and Beautiful Universe: One of many in the greater Omniverse at large where every second as countless universes end many many more begin in an amount that we cannot possibly comprehend but we know that the Birth’s and deaths of these universes are indeed Equal to each other at all times in a perfect cycle…
Next Installment:
Ch.1 The End of One Universe and a New Beginning for the next one.