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RE: Decapitating the snake... watching the power vaccuum be filled.

in #history8 years ago

I've studied this a lot and woven personal experience into the equation (71 years worth) and I've come to the conclusion that it's only about 25% of the population that's the problem- although the percentage could be off. They exist on both sides of the political spectrum.

The vast majority of people (the other 75%- 80%) just want to be left alone to live their lives in relative peace. I began to formulate this years ago when I was in Vietnam (my late teens) We got there and were like- "we're here to keep you safe from the Communists." The people were like- "Great, what's a Communist? Does this mean we get to eat today?"

The vast majority are apolitical and want no trouble. Sure there are criminals (I'm not talking non-violent) but that's maybe 3%. I wrote a paper for the Journal of Political Philosophy avering that "left" and "right": "Liberal" and "Conservative" are the wrong way to categorize people's political leanings. There are 4 types. Leaders and followers and positive and negative (which I don't have room to describe here). Suffice it to say the the "leaders" fit into the 25% and cause all of the problems for the other 75%./