Ah, I have missed reading these! Again, this provides such great insight in the minds of the people who were living back in those days. Even the opening paragraph really drew me in,
I feel so anxious about you that I can hardly think of any thing else or feel any spirit to do any thing. I hope I shall soon hear that you are safe. I dare not think what if it should be otherwise. Yet I pray that I may be prepared for the worst.
because it reminded me of times on the ship when communications were cut off from the rest of the world due to some sort of tragedy or emergency. When one of my friends died on our deployment our CO shut off our internet and our phones and we had no way of contacting our loved ones for a few days. I can only imagine that our loved ones went through similar anxieties as described in that paragraph.
Keep on posting these, I love reading them! :)
Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment.
I didn't know how often communications would be cut off on board ship - that's fascinating. I would have assumed soldiers would be in constant contact with the world any time they weren't in a combat situation.
I've finished scanning in the letters and now I've just got to type and format them. There's some great stuff coming up. I'm impressed by how well she switches between sharing everyday details and her more personal thoughts.
I really can't wait to read them as you post them! I'll try to make it a point to check back on your page often so I don't miss any :P