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RE: Your ancestors guilt is not yours too... You don't own a thing because your ancestors once did...

in #history8 years ago

I am sure that is somehow related, although I can not prove it. It was part of our post war culture to not blame any minority for doesn't matter what they do (also bad things). Nowadays that seems to be a little bit different, society is more sensitive after two years of millions of refugees coming to germany, with few of them creating (also) some major problems. Leftists loosing popularity every single new election (see what happend G20 in Hamburg). Now society has to be very careful not to turn from an unlimited left oriented "Willkommenskultur" (Welcome-Culture) to a total rejection of humanity. Germany is all about stupid people creating mass dynamics that corrupt our Country either on the right or left political side. Hard to balance political trends;) We've got so much luck that our society is still somehow wealthy, otherwise could be much worse in my opioion.