Hi friend how are today ?
these few days I'm busy so no time to upload
today my busyness is up and I can share again with you guys....
Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia. Dubbed as his city of kings , I was born and raised in this city.
But many things that sometimes escape from the reach of my knowledge.Kota once very quiet late dusk.
Now no longer recognize curfew.Kota which was once a lot of green plants. Now looks bright with a variety of lights.
One of the important icons in this city is the Baiturrahman Mosque. A solid mosque built during the kingdom of Aceh during the development of Islam that time. Until now, it is constantly be the spotlight all over. Starting from the architecture and the various philosophies that accompany it. The glory of this place of worship also still survive until now.
In the past, some friends or relatives who came from out of town, before visiting other places must ask to be delivered to this mosque. Not only that, performing worship and taking pictures in front of the mosque is a mandatory agenda for travelers. I used to think this tradition is only done by some people "villages" are just witnessing the splendor of the city.
However, I was wrong, this visit is not only based on admiration. Moreover, the privilege of the Great Mosque interpreted different by each person.
To all of you...
thank you very much for reading my article.