Will people just not keep their wealth when the means of doing so is at hand? I am stunned that Korean people do not have free access to 3D printers. The power of government there to prevent the people from even conceiving of their lives as their own to live, to convince people they are simply property, utterly confounds me.
Respectable seniors, Korea, China and Japan are feudal countries like Europe. Because the United States had no emperor, king, or pope, all Americans were equal. However, Asia and Europe were different from the United States because they had been feudal for 2000 years.
The Korean government has banned individuals from purchasing and producing 3D printers. Only government-approved companies can sell and own 3D printers.
The South Korean government insisted that Koreans could terrorize by sneaking made guns and bombs with 3D printers.
As you argue, many Koreans are dissatisfied with the situation where the ruling classes of Korea, China, and Japan monopolize wealth and power.
So, the South Korean government insisted that Koreans could terrorize with weapons made using 3D printers.
Eventually, it was forbidden for individuals to produce and sell 3D printers without permission from the Korean government.
Frustrated and desperate, it is highly likely that the lower classes of South Koreans will use their weapons to sneak up on terror.
Rather than being terrorists, I submit that the Korean, and other Asian peoples, are subjected to terrorism by their governments, and those governments forbid their victims from having means of defending themselves from that terrorism.
It is exactly in these circumstances that free people must act to defend themselves from tyranny, or pass their oppression down to their posterity.
Honorable senior, you are right. South Koreans, Chinese, and Japanese are enslaved by their government.
The rulers of South Korea, China and Japan, with the aid of Bill Gates, are enslaving their own people.
So, the lower Koreans were brainwashed by the Christian heresy, and they spread the corona virus. The goal is to spread the corona virus and create the end of the world.
The South Korean government is covering up the news that desperate South Koreans are committing terrorism.
The Korean government is hiding the fact that the lower Koreans commit arson, murder, assault, and rape.
At least you prove that not all Koreans are so hapless in the clutches of their oppressors. May your children bless you in their old age for your courage and wisdom.
Thanks for your answer. By the way, I am single. hahaha