9 Failed End of The World Predictions

in #history7 years ago

One of the few ways we have benefited as much as possible from our opportunity on Earth is endeavoring to understand when and how it will end. Some of these records are very obscure, and some are genuinely particular, giving the date and time, yet none of it has ever happened. However. Be that as it may, plainly these folks aren’t The Simpsons, who most certainly can foresee what’s to come. Be that as it may, we’ve recorded some of our most loved speculations, and it’s dependent upon you to trust them or not.


In the late 1700’s, Joanna Southcott started tuning in to voices revealing to her what’s to come. Nothing positive or cool, yet more like doomsday, starvation and so forth. Be that as it may, she got things sort of valid about the Irish Famine which were amid 1799-1801.

Aside from that and conveying her own books, she had around 100,000 devotees. In 1813, she told everyone that she was pregnant, yet at the same time a virgin, and that her child was the rescuer, (we’re getting a feeling of history repeating itself here…), the second coming was going to come. Which additionally implies it’s the apocalypse. She kicked the bucket even before a child was conceived, at 64 years.


The tail of comets holds a harmful gas called cyanogen. At the point when analysts discovered this in around the twentieth century, there was a free for about the going to Halley’s Comet, as Earth experienced it’s long tail. Despite the fact that there is nothing to stress over one piece, in 1910 the passing of the comet was viewed as apocalypse. What’s more, here we thought it was the most delightful thing of nature and science we at any point saw. What’s more, also the desires we make on it when it cruises by.


Charles Taze Russell was the originator of Jehovah’s Witnesses. In 1914 he expected that Christ would return. In any case, lamentably (quite for us), that didn’t occur. So the religion he set up then continued to anticipate seven distinct conditions for Armageddon. Armageddon is said to be the first and only fight that will decide the apocalypse, between the great and malice powers.

March 31st, 1998

Hon-Ming Chen, the organizer of his faction the Chen Tao or True Way Cult, went for the enthusiasm, and joined Taoism, Buddhism, a law of each individual having three souls, and obviously UFO’s. At one point he moved his faction from Taiwan to Garland, TX. He felt that Garland sounded nearly a similar like “God Land”, so they sat tight for the end in God’s Land. He guaranteed that the Rapture would start when God appeared on American Cable (TV) on March 31st, 1998 (which TOTALLY bodes well, in light of the fact that by what other way would a god-like heavenliness return to Earth other than TV?). Fortunately, when that silliness didn’t occur, Chen endeavored to get his supporters to execute him, and they had rejected his offer.


Christian evangelist Harold Camping, expected the end of the world more than twelve times, even twice in 2011, which he says was exactly 7,000 years after the Great Flood of Noah from the Bible. His enthusiasts sold their effects and at times their homes. Sheets about preparing for day of atonement went up wherever all through the US, and bars held gatherings to pay tribute to the then coming end times. Tragically, Harold kicked the bucket in 2013, and didn’t live to see when or on the off chance that it ever happens.

August 31, 2013

Grigori Rasputin (better trust it!), THE Rasputin, the outstanding Russian mystic and conviction healer to the last Tsar of Russia. He was the motivation behind the celebrated tune Rasputin by disco band Boney M. He foreseen over 100 years back that it would be the apocalypse on August 31st, 2013. He forewarned about an “Appalling Storm” and that “Fire will swallow all life ashore, and afterward life will pass on and there will be the quiet of the grave.” Then, evidently, Jesus would be back and comfort the survivors for two or three days and return back to paradise.

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