Mayer Rothschild and Sons - the history of the founding of one of the largest banking dynasties

in #history8 years ago

Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild, France

The reviewer studied the history of the formation of the Rothschild Banking House, founded by Mayer Rothschild and his five sons, who achieved enormous influence in Europe, took part in the overthrow of Napoleon and the construction of the first railways, and became known for having always been able to make money on crises. Now the dynasty owns family banks, shares in large companies and hedge funds.
Mayer Rothschild. The foundation of the banking house
The history of the Rothschild begins with the Jewish ghetto in Frankfurt am Main. They were small businessmen and made a modest living. In the mid-18th century, Amschel Moses owned a small exchange office and a shop.
There are a number of versions about the origin of the name Rothschild. According to one of them, the signboard of the office of Amschel was red, which in German sounds like Rot Schild (red sign). On the other hand, a red shield with a Roman eagle served as the coat of arms of the bench. Hence the name of the Rot Schild, which the office gave city residents.
In 1744, a son was born to Amschel, who was given the name Mayer. He became the "first Rothschild." Since childhood Mayer was a gifted and intelligent boy. His father decided that his son could make a spiritual career, and sent him to study at a yeshiva (the highest religious educational institution for Jews - The Rabbi of Mayer did not succeed. He coped with the training load, but did not show the proper zeal. But Mayer showed great ability for mathematics.

Mayer Amschel Rothschild

After the death of the parents, the family's relatives sent Mayer to study financial matters at Oppenheimer's Hanoverian bank. Here he gained practical experience in interaction with various principalities at the world level, learned about the interrelationships between finance and politics and got acquainted with all the positive and negative elements of the system.
Having received a good career start at that time, Mayer could calm down on this - in the presence of talent in the field of commerce, he had good chances to grow up as a partner. But this prospect was not inspired by Mayer. In 1760, he returned to Frankfurt to join the business of his brothers, who traded in old clothes.
Meyer did not have any money. Then he became interested in collecting ancient coins. For a while it was a simple hobby. He found, bought or exchanged coins, classified them, wrote annotations and researched. The hobby did not require large
Financial investments - the coins that emerged from the turnover did not interest anyone. However, Mayer knew that they can be sold for a good price to collectors-aristocrats.
To realize his plan, Rothschild went to Hanover. Their role in the success of the plan was played by the connections acquired. Mayer was acquainted with General von Estorff, an ardent collector of numismatics. The latter became Mayer's client and gave him patronage.
Friends of the general were interested in Rothschild's proposal to buy coins and antiques. Then Mayer began to send out his catalogs to the princely courts of Germany. General von Estorf presented it to Hesse-Kassel Crown Prince William.
He was an ardent collector and then once again was in high spirits from the last win in the chess game. Money Wilhelm did not regret - he made a major purchase and subsequently became one of Rothschild's regular customers.
With new connections and a solid financial influx, Rothschild's business began to expand. In 1764 he opened his own shop in Frankfurt. Her clients were German merchants. This business became the first bank of Rothschild and allowed it to significantly increase its influence. At the same time, Mayer continued to trade old coins and antiques. After his successes were appreciated by Prince Wilhelm, Mayer became the supplier of money and precious metals at the prince's court.
He proved himself in this position and soon came to trust the adviser of the prince von Karlsgauzen. In 1769 Meyer became a gof factor (a court banker who lent money to royal and other noble families or was engaged in their finances -, and in his hands was the financial management of the Hesse-Kassel house.
In 1785, the Hessian Landgrave Friedrich died. Prince Wilhelm received a legacy of 50 million talers and became one of the richest German princes under the name of Wilhelm IX. He was not going to stop there and planned to increase his capital.
For this, he had the Rothschild. Mayer was famous for his ability to find the best options for investment. To do this, he even had his own and rapidly growing agent network. Rothschild learned about many events before other bankers - he was not a supporter of empty risk and preferred to act for sure.
Attention deserves his strategy of building a financial empire. Rothschild always carefully selected customers, exhibited low interest, but the main thing was that Meyer from the very beginning was building a dynasty. In the marriage he had five sons and five daughters.
He made the bet exclusively on the male offspring, considering all the advantages and disadvantages of each of the sons. The eldest of them, Amschel, was reasonably calm enough to become his father's right hand and lead a family bank in Frankfurt. Solomon successfully operated in the Austrian Empire. Nathan became the most influential man in Britain, Kalman in Italy, and James in France. In subsequent years, the Rothschilds acted as a single world bank, pursuing the interest of the family, not of nations.
By the beginning of the 19th century, the state of Mayer Rothschild exceeded 1 million thalers. More important was that Meyer had already made a name for himself, but did not intend to stop on what he had achieved.
One of the main talents of the Rothschilds is the ability to make money on the disasters of states, and Mayer showed it well during the period of building his own empire.
In 1804, Denmark faced major financial problems. For Hesse-Kassel, one of the richest principalities of Germany, it was a good opportunity to make money from a loan. But there was a problem - the Danish king accounted for Wilhelm's uncle. Because of what the loan could be regarded as a gift, which the Elector of Hessen did not want.
Rothschild suggested von Karlsgausen a plan for which everything could be done incognito, through a little-known but reliable bank. The large Frankfurt banking houses, with which Wilhelm usually cooperated in such cases, did not fit, because they could not provide anonymity.
In this way, Mayer promoted his own business. Being a trusted adviser to Wilhelm, Rothschild stayed in the shadows and was practically unknown to the public. Von Karlsgausen brought Meyer's idea to Wilhelm, and he agreed.
The Rothschilds easily turned the deal, but at the same time they aroused the discontent of the big Frankfurt bankers who considered that they had crossed the boundaries of what was permitted. Their indignation reached Wilhelm, but he did not do anything: Meyer was for him a proven man who increased his fortune, and he was not going to get rid of him.
Rothschilds against Napoleon
Rothschild continued to collect ranks, issue loans and strengthen Wilhelm's trust, while in 1806 his actively building empire was not struck. This year the Franco-Prussian War began. Until then, the vacillating Prussia, which had not joined the anti-Napoleonic coalition in 1805, decided to put the French emperor in its place.
In practice, its campaign turned into a catastrophe. The "Great Army" completely defeated the Prussians in two battles that occurred on the same day - under Jena and Auerstedt. Prussia was in the hands of Napoleon, and the country was not waiting for the best of times. Wilhelm tried to declare the neutrality of Hesse-Kassel, but the French emperor did not even react to this convention.
All ended with the fact that Wilhelm abandoned his principality at the news of the approach of the French. Napoleon was interested in the treasury of William. Some of the jewelry was hidden in the castle of the prince, and the soldiers found her. Then von Karlsgausen met with the French general La Grange and made him an advantageous offer: the prince's valuables found in the castle's caches are returned to the owner, and the general receives in exchange about a million francs. La Grange did not refuse.
But it was only a part of values. The other was saved in a different way - von Karlsgausen entrusted the administration of the electorate to the Rothschilds. The French established surveillance over the numerous debtors of William, as well as for the people who were in charge of managing his estate. At this time the Rothschilds, traveling through Europe, successfully bought up the elector's financial obligations. This role was taken over by Meyer's sons, and he himself continued to live in Frankfurt.

"Elector of Hesse-Kassel trusts his treasures to Mayer Amschel Rothschild," Moritz Oppenheim
He knew about the surveillance and showed the authorities a brilliantly staged performance. Once the police coming up to see him saw an elderly Jewish couple, hardly coping with the commercial business. Mayer said that he had not heard anything about his sons for a long time, the records of the account confirmed everything noticed by the police, he could not find any connection with Wilhelm either.
Meyer hid Genuine Accountancy in a secret room, sending correspondence in a special wagon with a double bottom. In order to complicate the task of the police, Mayer created a unique cipher - a mixture of Hebrew, Yiddish and German, supplemented by special notation and encrypted names.
English investments were codenamed "dried fish". In the records, Mayer was listed under the name Arnold, and Wilhelm became Master Goldstein. The latter received access to their money and earnings from investment, but not to everyone.
Mayer explained that the sons, because of the difficulties associated with the French occupation and the Napoleon's agents who are actively pursuing them, can not transfer all the money due to the prince. It was supplemented by stories about the many dangers and difficulties faced by the Rothschilds.
In fact, everything was not so. November 21, 1806 Napoleon signed the Decree on the Continental Blockade. He forbade all countries dependent on France to trade with England. After the defeat at Trafalgar, the French lost the fleet and could defeat the hostile England by an economic blockade.
The Rothschilds used the current situation for their own purposes. Nathan Rothschild settled in England and initially traded flax, but gradually the sphere of his interests changed to trade in English goods banned in Europe. The benefits of such contraband were colossal. Wilhelm received his money, and the Rothschild profit. Napoleon's police tried to restore order, but the Rothschild business did not inflict any damage.
However, smuggling was not the ultimate goal of neither Mayer nor his sons. Much greater interest for the Rothschilds was represented by British government bonds. In any case, they convinced Wilhelm. Initially, he was not interested in the new plan, but the desire to earn all won. Wilhelm gave the Rothschild 550 thousand pounds and promised a small commission.
It was tempted that Nathan redeem the bonds at an average price of 72 pounds. But the Rothschilds had a different plan. Nathan invested all the money he got into the business, relying on his own knowledge of the market and agents, and soon he got a good start on it. Bonds in the meantime fell in price to 62 pounds. Now Rothschild could buy them for Wilhelm with the benefit for himself. In parallel, he turned speculation with gold bars.

Nathan Rothschild
The Elector, waiting for his bonds, began to worry, but Mayer persuaded him that everything was going according to plan, and the delay was related to the French occupation. This allowed Meyer to get additional funding for Nathan. In 1811, Wilhelm received securities valued at almost 190 thousand pounds. The Rothschilds earned several million on this deal.
On the achieved Nathan Rothschild did not stop. He had enough capital to participate in the big game. He took advantage of the situation and profitedly bought gold in the amount of 800 thousand pounds, which Wellington, who was at war in the Pyrenees, needed so much.
Rothschild agreed to sell it with a surcharge. However, delivering gold to the British was not an easy task. It was decided to transport the goods through France with a stop in Paris. From the side of the venture looked adventurous, but the Rothschilds had their own plan. James Rothschild went to France. He made sure that one of the advisers of Napoleon, Duke von Dahlberg received a major bribe.
Ignorant of the French James managed to quickly gain influence in the financial circles of this country. Soon the Minister of Finance reported to Napoleon about the arrival in the city of Rothschild, which is engaged in the export of a large batch of gold coins from England and claims that the latter will try to prevent him from doing everything.
Being misguided Napoleon decided to help export gold, so annoying England. A safe path was obtained, and the Rothschilds undertook the final enactment of the plan. Nathan sent gold through the English Channel to France, where he was met by James, delivered to Paris and translated into checks.
Then the checks went to Spain to Kalman Rothschild, where they again changed for gold and were delivered to Wellington. Which in turn wrote out a new check. Mayer and his eldest son Amschel controlled the operation from Frankfurt, and Solomon was responsible for actions in the event of unforeseen situations.
Later, the Rothschilds gained control of the financial relationship between all the countries participating in the anti-Napoleonic coalition. Bankers have been a great help to the allies in the fight against Napoleon.
Another achievement of Nathan Rothschild was the introduction of the system of interbank clearing settlements. At that time, moving money with gold and coins was dangerous, and transfer using checks lowered the exchange rate. With the help of the new system, Britain's allies received about £ 15 million, and the operations themselves were kept secret.
In September 1812, Mayer Rothschild died. In the will, he gave clear instructions to his sons, how to continue the family business. In particular, he forbade any participation in him of daughters and sons-in-law. The family company was to remain in the hands of the descendants of Mayer exclusively male.
My daughters, sons-in-law and their heirs have nothing to do with the existing company of M.A. Rothschild und Söhne, nor do they have the right to study the cases of the aforementioned company, its office books, papers, registers and so on. I will never forgive my children if they go against my parental will and prevent my sons from doing things quietly.
Mayer Amschel Rothschild
The last major earnings of the Napoleonic Wars brought the Rothschilds a battle at Waterloo. The bankers had a huge network of agents, and the news of the defeat of Napoleon, Nathan Rothschild was the earliest. He was pleased with this news the government, and then went to the stock exchange and began to sell British shares.

Site TranslatorOther players, knowing about Rothschild's awareness, felt that Napoleon had won, and also began to get rid of them. After that, Rothschild bought up shares for a pittance, and when the news of the real outcome of the Battle of Waterloo reached the exchange, their price rose sharply. Rothschild earned 40 million pounds.
The Rothschild brothers. The final strengthening of the banking house
After the death of his father, the brothers continued to act together, as his father bequeathed, and did not allow strangers into business. Living in five different countries, the Rothschilds maintained an active correspondence and even created their own courier service. Each of the brothers achieved a high position and soon became the financial support of power in his country.
There were no disputes and quarrels among the brothers. As an example, the Rothschild biographers cite such a story. One day, Nathan's son asked his father how many nations there are in the world. He replied that there are two people you need to know about - the family and everyone else.
A lot of interesting stories are known about the brothers. One of the most popular heroes was Nathan Rothschild. He had a tremendous influence in Britain, was friends with Wellington and other major political figures. Being a very intelligent and uncommon person, Nathan preferred to hide under the guise of a straightforward and rude merchant who was not.
Resentment Nathan did not forgive, even small ones. Once he sent his man to cash a bill to the National Bank of England. But there he was refused with a rude wording, saying that the bank cashed only securities issued by him, rather than promissory notes of individuals.
Nathan quickly found a way to get revenge. The next day he and nine clerks went to the National Bank and began to exchange banknotes for gold. The bank could not refuse, and the Rothschild team paralyzed the work of the cashier for the whole day. In addition, this had a negative effect on the exchange rate. During the day, Rothschild and his assistants exchanged 100,000 pounds.
The next day, Rothschild returned to the bank and, asking how long this would last, replied: "The Rothschilds will question the reliability of the securities of the National Bank of England as long as the bank questions the reliability of the Rothschild securities."
The operatively assembled board of directors of the bank decided to cash out any bills signed by the Rothschilds. It took Nathan less than two days to change the policy of the National Bank of England, one of the most powerful at that time.
James Rothschild became the richest financier of France. He bought Fouché's palace in Paris, collected a collection of works of art in it. Frequent guests of James were Heinrich Heine, Honore de Balzac and other famous personalities. He supported artists, writers and other artists. There are many legends about James that are not related to business. So, one day Eugene Delacroix suggested that James pose for a portrait of a beggar. Rothschild agreed.
The next day a beggar appeared in the house of Delacroix, dressed in rags. The pupil of Delacroix, who opened the door, gave him the franc and closed the door in front of him. James did not take offense, and the student, who did not recognize one of the richest people in the world, received a letter the next day.
Dear sir, in the envelope you will find the capital that you entrusted to me at the door of the Delacroix workshop, as well as interest from this capital and interest from interest - the total amount was Thousand francs. You can cash a check in one of the banks of the Rothschilds at any time convenient for you.
James Rothschild
History quickly became known throughout Europe, which added popularity to Rothschild. Based on her motives, Oscar Wilde wrote a story "Model-Millionaire."

James Rothschild

Despite the passion for art and extraordinary antics, the family was for James in the first place. In 1812, he opened his business in France. The Rothschilds were the enemies of Napoleon, and therefore after his overthrow of the case, their bank went much better.
James managed to establish friendly relations with the royal dynasty of the Bourbons, became more powerful and soon controlled all financial operations of the state.
In 1830, the July Revolution took place, the old regime was overthrown. Coming to power, Louis-Philippe was known for his liberal views and wore the nickname "The Citizen King." It promised the sunset era of James Rothschild. The latter during the revolution led at first sight an idle life.
In fact, he took care of his situation. Just a month after the advent of the new king to the throne, Rothschild communicated with him in private and soon became his permanent

A companion, a financial advisor and a close friend. James retained his position after the February Revolution in 1848.
Before Solomon Rothschild there was a difficult task to achieve the influence of the family in the Austrian Empire. At that time Jews in this country could live only by special permission. Solomon was a favorite of Mayer Rothschild, as he was famous for his ability to establish connections and enter into trust even to the noble noblemen, who usually looked down on the Rothschilds' nouveau riches.
Arriving in Vienna, he managed to convince high-ranking officials that he would not mind moving the center of family activity to Austria. At that time, he was still in Frankfurt, who, with the will of the Rothschilds, became the European economic center.
Promises had the right effect - Solomon received the right to reside, although the Rothschild headquarters did not move. In Vienna, the bank S.M. von Rothschild was founded, which was headed by Solomon. A talented courtier entered the nearest circle of Chancellor Metternich. Rothschild became famous for issuing loans to the empire, which demonstrated the loyalty and power of the banking house.

Solomon Rothschild

The Union of Rothschild and Metternich was faced with great difficulties in 1835. Emperor Franz was at death. Matternich had an opposition, which included the brothers of the emperor. They were going to take advantage of the weak health of the nephew and take over the management of the empire. Rothschild supported the Austrian Chancellor.
Metternich could deal with palace intrigues independently, but the problems of the Austrian exchange aroused great concern. Solomon Rothschild corrected the situation. First, he publicly stated that he was confident in the prospects and prosperity of the country. Then Solomon, along with his brother James, announced that they would buy Austrian securities for whatever money, if someone agrees to sell them.

The trust of the Rothschilds allowed the stock exchange to be repaired, and things got better. Help Metternich greatly strengthened the power of Solomon Rothschild. He leased a large mercury deposit in Idrija, became the largest banker of the Lloyd Shipping Company, financed the construction of railways, acquired production. Wishing to obtain a European monopoly on mercury, Solomon managed to acquire the second largest field in the region, located in Spain.
In 1845, the Vienna Stock Exchange again started falling prices. Rothschild in Austria was not, he at that time went to Frankfurt for a family council. Metternich wrote to Solomon, asking him to return as soon as possible, which he did. From the banker nothing more was required - on his return the exchange stabilized independently.
In 1848, the story of Solomon Rothschild in Austria ended: because of the revolution, he had to leave the country and return to Frankfurt. But the Austrian branch of the family business did not disappear, and Solomon's place later was taken by his son Anselm.
Karl (Kalman) Rothschild achieved similar power in Italy. His residence he placed in the Neapolitan kingdom on the slope of Mount Vesuvius. He started the business with the provision of financial assistance for restoration on the Naples throne of the Bourbon dynasty. The loan for the entire operation was provided by Vienna, and Karl had to control the process.

Kalman (Carl) Rothschild

In Naples, Karl created a bank, gaining control of financial power in the kingdom. He took up the defense of the interests of Naples in Vienna, and also achieved success in overcoming the anti-Jewish policies of the Vatican.
The last in the list of Mayer's sons Rothschild often mentions the eldest of them - Amschel Mayer Rothschild. There are several reasons for this. Unlike the brothers, Amschel did not leave for another country, but he still controlled the work of the first family bank in Frankfurt.
He was the only childless son of Mayer, and on it the Frankfurt line was cut short, and the nephews began to manage the bank. He continued to finance the Hessian house, under his control was every investment transaction in Germany. By the will of Amschel, factories, factories, and railroads were created.
In the abilities of Amschel, Rothschild was not inferior to his brothers, and, in the opinion of some authors, he surpassed them. Amschel worked more than any of his employees, despite the fact that he was one of the richest people in the world. He behaved very modestly, avoided the fuss, although he was one of the most desired guests at balls and banquets.
He was often seen working night - he almost immediately answered the received letters and dispatches. The genius of Amschel Rothschild allowed him to instantly assess the deal or business proposal and give an exhaustive answer. Opinions on the decisions he made did not change.

Amschel Rothschild

Amschel was the keeper of the traditions of the Rothschild house. He paid special attention to dynastic marriages. Including the implementation of the rule, according to which the sons were to marry exclusively girls from the Rothschilds, and if there were no suitable ones, then the Jews. This was done in order to prevent the withdrawal of capital from the family and preserve the traditions.
It is difficult to overestimate how great the European influence of the Rothschilds was. The brothers not only engaged in their own enrichment, but also tried to achieve a profitable peace for them in Europe. The Pacifist policy of the Rothschilds was to guarantee stability
European economy and ensure the further development of the cause of the brothers. The hand of the banking clan stopped all kinds of conflicts, with all the forces preventing the clash of large European countries.

"The visit of the elector of Hesse to Amschel Rothschild," Moritz Oppenheim

So, when the French King Louis-Philippe tried to push the small Italian states to the conflict with Austria, the Rothschilds took the situation into their own hands. James believed that it was much more important to preserve the world, and began to act.
First he promoted a suitable person to the post of prime minister. After the Austrians occupied Bologna, the situation became critical - the French government was going to demand from the Habsburgs immediate withdrawal of troops from the city. James made sure that this requirement was removed, so before the open clash of the two major states, the matter never came to pass.
In 1839, with the Belgian King Leopold, the brothers treated themselves more harshly. The monarch, having come to power, decided to take away from the Netherlands two provinces. In response, the Rothschilds promised not to give Belgium a loan, which Leopold literally begged. As a result, the king abandoned his plans.
The Rothschilds influenced the construction of railways. The inventor of the steam crews was George Stefferson. However, Nathan Rothschild noticed the possibilities of the invention too late and could no longer acquire the company that was engaged in their production.
Rothschild's share was not satisfactory - he wanted to control everything on his own, and therefore did not become involved in this business. But Nathan was able to recommend the direction of the brothers and subsequently sought to provide them with all-round assistance.
To Solomon, who was doing business in Austria, the idea seemed interesting, and he sent his commission to England to study this issue. Their conclusion was very positive, but the problem remained. The railways were perceived by the population in a mixed way, ordinary people were afraid of trains even in progressive England. In a more backward Austria everything could turn into even bigger problems.
In 1832, Solomon entered this business, acquiring a network of trams on horsepower. Benefits from her in the upcoming venture were few, so Rothschild was going to explore a new business. To advance the idea of launching the railway from the Emperor and Metternich was not difficult.
In 1835, Rothschild received a concession for the railway, passing from Vienna to Galicia. The project cost 12 million guilders, but it was easier to promote it in the government than among the people. Rothschild's idea of the location of society and not won.
Newspapers issued a series of publications about the dangers of the train for people. They talked about possible catastrophes. Specialists predicted that the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, as well as the human psyche will not withstand the speed of the train. Meanwhile, encouraging financial reports from railroad companies began to come from England.
Even Rothschild's rival, Sina's banking house, changed his position regarding this business, although he initially launched a whole campaign against Solomon's idea. Now Sina took up the creation of the general line from Vienna to the Adriatic Sea.
In the fight against rival Solomon had two advantages - wealth and extraordinary thinking. Rothschild wrote a patriotic message to the emperor, in which he told about the project and offered to name the road "The Northern Railway of Emperor Ferdinand".
Metternich was asked to become a protector of the project. The Minister of Finance and the Lord President received the title of patron of the railway. It turned out that Rothschild, while remaining the owner, made this project state-owned. Critics diminished - there was no one who wanted to write negative articles about the imperial railway.
Sina did not stop there and tried to organize opposition within the firm and in the society. He questioned the competence of the Rothschild workers. In order to undermine his authority, he issued a special memorandum, which listed the shortcomings of the road and questioned its financial future. Soon the information reached the emperor, and he wrote Metternich a letter, trying to find out whether the construction had any difficulties.

Then Rothschild hired a professor at the Polytechnic University, who wrote an essay refuting the arguments of the opponents. Then he collected the shareholders and offered to buy out their shares, if they do not express to him 100% confidence. Wishing to sell was not found.
The Board of Directors was re-elected, with only Rothschild supporters remaining. The emperor's letter was also used. With his help, Rothschild stressed how Ferdinand cares about the project. The victory remained for Rothschild - in 1839 he launched the first section of the railway.
James Rothschild also had a hard time launching a railway in France. Like his brother, he, despite the colossal influence, faced public concern. The French parliament considered the idea utopian. Rothschild obtained a license from the first minister, but he believed that the railway would become only a kind of attraction for the Parisians. By the end of the decade, James opened two roads - Paris-Saint-Germain and Paris-Versailles.
Then he took up a more global project for the construction of the Northern Railway, which was to connect Paris and the industrial regions of France. With attacks of newspapers, government, and experts, James coped in his characteristic manner - he issued shares of the Northern Railway for 150 million francs. He divided the share of 7.5 million francs between ministers, journalists and deputies. The level of attacks expected to fall.
In 1846 the railway was opened in the presence of the royal family. The triumph of Rothschild spoiled the railway accident that occurred in three weeks, connected with the mistakes of workers who did not have enough experience. 37 people were killed, France was swept by a wave of anti-Semitism.
Rothschild sustained the blow and did not get involved in the war against publications against himself. History was on his side - the Northern Railway was completed and successfully functioned, being considered one of the national treasures of France.
The subsequent generations of the Rothschilds and their present situation
In 1836 Nathan Rothschild died, his heir was Lionel, who continued the British family dynasty. He bought real estate in England, helped the country to acquire the Suez Canal, by providing a loan of 4 million pounds, and also promoted the law on the equality of Jews in Germany at the world congress.
Amschel, Solomon and Kalman died in 1855. After their death, the family business was headed by James Rothschild. James died in 1868. The cause of the father was led by Alphonse James Rothschild. He successfully continued the line chosen by James.
When France got into a fatal war with Prussia, Rothschild provided the country with postal pigeons. After the defeat, he became a guarantor and helped organize the payment of reparations, and also began to ensure the economic stability of the country.
In the years that followed, the Rothschilds continued to play an important role in the world arena, although their position with the development of the world economy was losing its invincibility. Especially difficult for the dynasty was the period of time before and during the Second World War.

The Rothschilds and their property in Europe were one of the main goals of the Nazis. That's why they tried to emigrate to the US or to England. But this was by no means all. The SS detained Louis von Rothschild in his house in Austria. He was sent to prison, where along with the detained communists dragged sacks of sand. Soon the Nazi leaders realized that they could catch one of the Rothschilds, and decided to take advantage of it.
Louis was transferred to the Vienna headquarters of the Gestapo. 24 people were guarding it around the clock. Rothschild treated them as a personal guard, called grenadiers and forced him to study geology and botany. The Gestapo did not use their usual methods against Louis, as the Nazis were interested in dealing with the Rothschilds.
Goering offered the bankers a deal - $ 200,000 and all the assets of the Austrian house in exchange for Louis's freedom. Of particular interest to the Nazis was the Czech-controlled Vitkovic, the largest deposit of ore and coal, controlled by the Rothschilds.
The Rothschilds did not accept the terms of the deal and agreed to give Vitkovitz only after Louis's liberation and the payment of three million pounds. The Nazis changed the team of negotiators. Himmler took up the case, but nothing changed from this.
Himmler, in order to appease Rothschild, even began to bring in his chamber expensive furnishings, trying to create a familiar atmosphere for Rothschild, but this only led Louis out of himself. The Nazi leader did not have a taste, and Rothschild gave him this to understand. As a result, the Nazis had to accept the conditions, in 1939 Louis was released. Then they had to pay 2.9 million pounds, but before the deal did not come - the war began, and Vitkovic was simply captured.

Generic estate of the Rothschilds Waddesdon, England
There were among the Rothschilds and those who suffered from the Nazis. The wife of Philippe de Rothschild Elizabeth, who was not Jewish, died in a concentration camp. After the war, the Rothschilds regained their
Position in Europe, although such absolute power as the first generations of bankers, no longer had.
In our time, there continue to exist two branches of the genus - the British and the French. They still own banks and business all over the world, control stakes in large companies, hedge funds. The aggregate assets of the Rothschilds, according to some sources, exceed $ 1.7 trillion.
The material is prepared for publications


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Source of the information? Many things I have heard about them are conspiracies.yes they started central banking but what 's wrong with that?

Do you like monopolies or are you more for free markets?