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RE: Mystery History Pt3b - The Bird Men - Horus.

in #history7 years ago

Awesome post! I looooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ancient history and mythology, and I love to study the parallels. It does seem like something odd is going on since there are simularieties throughout cultures across the world. I personally cannot explain it but I love to investigate it.

Maybe these gods were extraterrestrials, or maybe they are archtypes ingrained in the collective human psych through morphogenic fields, or maybe they are spirit-people that humans saw when in altered states of consciousness! I would love to know. Maybe in this lifetime we will know, but most likely not.

If you like ancient history I am working on an ancient history blog as well! From the Tuatha de Danaan of anceint Ireland to Mesoamerica!


I believe the stories have an historical seed that goes way back into pre history.
Back to a time before the flood to a currently undocumented high functioning civilisation destroyed and scattered by a natural or unnatural cataclysm.
Whether they originated on Earth or not I couldn't say however there is plenty of circumstantial evidence to suggest we have been visited and manipulated for a very long time.
Thanks for reading and commenting.

I think I agree, but really who knows? I hope to find out through more intense research and hopefully new discoveries. Maybe if science is revolutionized then these things will also come to light!