I agree, the plot was a disappointment, and the villain was a shadow compared to the first one. The reason for taking over the universe was boring, and weak.
They need to hire a writer! :(
I agree, the plot was a disappointment, and the villain was a shadow compared to the first one. The reason for taking over the universe was boring, and weak.
They need to hire a writer! :(
question is: is smithlabs available?
Responding to a 483 letter right now....
But it might be fun at that, LOL!
smithlabs!.......let me guess..you're also a writer!
The only published stuff is in the USPTO (I wrote about half of the text of the patents I am on). I have a book about two thirds done. Have a publisher, but don't have the time!
sir smithlabs! a book on what? how to be a forager and live off the land when the stuff hits the fan?
Science Fiction, but I have been collecting herbal pictures and uses too. Have thought about recipes also, but that is not in the front of the time cue.
hahaha! how big is the time cue? a mile long?