Aceh War: The failure story of Snouck Hurgronje

in #history8 years ago (edited)

Congres in de Koningszaal van Artis, vermoedelijk bijgewoond door een Indische arts, met links aan de lange tafel tegen de achterwand mogelijk Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje. Source image:

The Netherlands have never experienced a war greater than the Aceh war. This war is a terrible military events for the Dutch. For the Netherlands, Aceh war is not just armed conflict. but political, colonial, international and Dutch state for a century.

Met links achter de tafel kolonel J.B. van Heutsz en zittend rechts (in witte jas) C. Snouck Hurgronje. Source image:

Since 1873 the Aceh war accompanied by two questions unanswered.

  • Does the war was conducted in a proper manner?
    Military strategy, tactics, and heroism; Not only that, but also a provocation, terror and cruelty.
    All successive supreme commander, among which there are well-known generals, such as: J. van Swieten, K. van der Heijden, J.B. van Heutsz, and others involved in the war.

Aankomst te Sigli van de pretendent-sultan van Atjeh, toeangkoe Mohammed Daoed, om zijn onderwerping aan het Nederlandse Gouvernement aan te bieden. Source image:

Another unanswered question is political.

  • Can the war be justified?
    The debate even then take three quarters of a century - and unfinished. Participate accompanying Multatuli, Busken Huet, Abraham Kuyper, Snouck Hurgronje, Troelstra, Queen Wilhelmina, Volin, and other figures.

"Atjeh-oorlog, uitgemoorde kampong in Atjeh (Van Daalen), 1904". Source image:

De islamoloog
C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936),
vermoedelijk in Nederland.
Source image

Paul van 't Veer.
This photo was taken from
back cover of the book

The book De Atjeh Oorlog, by Paul van 't Veer, when published in 1969, was praised as a book that is very exciting, and scientifically justifiable about a war that shook the Dutch East Indies and the Netherlands, and even throughout Europe - the biggest war ever undertaken Netherlands.

Paul van 't Veer himself said: "I think they have been able to prove, that the war in Aceh is a deliberate provocation, that in fact people should talk about the four war in Aceh and not one, that the four rounds this time related to changes in the political and social in the Netherlands, and the Aceh war for the Dutch is the scene of the start and end of imperialism."

Titel : De Atjeh-oorlog / Paul van 't Veer
Auteur(s) : Veer, Paul van 't
Uitgever : De Arbeiderspers
Jaar : 1969
Plaats van uitgever : Amsterdam
Aantekeningen : Met bibliogr. noten. - Index
Meer info : ill

Nederlandse bestuursambtenaren met de Atjehse pretendent-sultan te Koetaradja. Person: Vermeulen, W.J.F., Morbeck, J.H., Moehamat Dawot, Teukoe, Maaten, K. van der. Source image:

The Netherlands has submitted colonies Aceh for the republic of Indonesia. And until now Aceh has not wholeheartedly become part of the republic of Indonesia.

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