Draft #1
I wrote this paper (draft/work in progress) to satisfy my own boredom. Some of it may not be cited and is just copy pasted info from somewhere on the internet. And needs to be edited/revised. I periodically update it when the mood strikes me, if you know of anything worth adding or see some grammar/syntax mistake let me know. This is kind of a joke meant to piss off Social Justice Warriors but I really am more or less a holocaust denier/revisionist with nothing better to do than start trouble.
David Cole Documentary on Auschwitz
David Cole on Red Ice radio
Holocaust survivors telling stories
Holocaust Discussion With David Cole & Mark Weber - Montel Williams Show
Video on how the gas chambers, furnaces etc do not make sense/mathematically impossible
Hilarious video of David Cole giving a Speech
David Cole’s “Banned” 1994 IHR Conference Speech
http://www.countercontempt.com/archives/5348 http://codoh.com/library/document/2333/ https://www.amazon.com/Electro-Deflecto-Unisex-Foil-Size/dp/B01I497JAM/ref=sr_1_18?ie=UTF8&qid=1487900645&sr=8-18&keywords=tinfoil+hat
My Stance on the Holocaust, Nazis, and Politics
I think it is important that I clarify my stance on some issues. I do not think of myself as a denier per se but rather interested in holocaust revisionism, what were the facts and which facts are concrete? I suppose I technically am a denier because I believe the gas chamber claims were entirely made up as propaganda. However it is to my understanding that it is an indisputable fact that the nazis murdered people and kept thousands of Jews as slaves in labor camps which is easily one of the biggest crimes against humanity ever committed, right up there with every other country throughout history that ever owned slaves or massacred a population. I lean towards libertarianism which means I am against large governments and thereby against wars executed by governments. I do not believe it is moral to take away a person’s freedom even temporarily in war time based off of their affiliation with a certain group or race. I am a strong advocate of capitalism which Hitler was very much against, much of his campaign was for the most part an attempt to remove capitalism and its ideals from the world and replace it with White National Socialism in an effort to keep countries and races from mixing together. I am not a supporter of Nazism, Fascism, or National Socialism but rather in favor of small governments with societies that base themselves off of a non aggression principle. (Although I sometimes do feel sympathetic to the idea of socialism and even national socialism, the real version of socialism not the Bernie Sanders version). As you can see I like to play the devil's advocate and take the side of politically incorrect stances for the sake of rhetoric, which brings me to my skepticism about the accuracy of the claims of the holocaust. I do not plan to gain anything from debating about the holocaust, it is for the sake of rhetoric/my own entertainment and nothing more. Instead of just reading this paper I recommend you watch the videos and documentaries listed at the top especially the one about the math. Try to look at the information without being emotionally attached to any preconceived ideas you may currently have. This is not some asinine flat earth bullshit based off nothing. When you start questioning the holocaust you may or may not delve into an existential crisis, if you don't think you can handle that turn back now. And yes, I have no life.
Denying the Holocaust is Illegal in certain places
What initially got me pondering the facts of the holocaust were youtube videos that I had stumbled upon that were made by a man named David Cole, a holocaust revisionist. He makes points such as the lack of congruity on the numbers of people that died in the holocaust. Numbers have ranged from less than a million to tens of millions, the most widely accepted number being 6 million by the public but often debated by historians. I never really paid much attention to these holocaust revisionists conspiracy theories until I learned that in some countries it is illegal to deny the holocaust which got me wondering why is this illegal? Why would a government go to the trouble of making it illegal to even talk about if the facts are clear? And why is it that most historians of the holocaust have been unable to agree on almost every detail?
Nazi Concentration Camps
Beginning with the concentration camps themselves, did they exist? Yes they did, without a doubt. The german government put Jewish people, gypsies, resistance fighters and anyone else that were considered to be an enemy of the Nazi’s into prison and labor camps where they were kept against their will. I believe none of these camps were mass execution gas chamber sites but rather to imprison any person that might sympathise with the enemies of the Nazis and to use the captives as slave labor during the war.
USA Concentration Camps for Japanese Americans
The USA imprisoned the Japanese to keep Japanese citizens from acting as spies for the enemies of America. The fact the USA did this to the Japanese in no way lessens the immorality of the concentration camps of the Nazis. I believe both incidents were incredibly immoral, none of these concentration camps should ever have existed as they were inhumane and violated basic human rights. However, I highly doubt that millions of people were killed in the Nazi concentration camps. I also doubt the Nazi government ordered the execution of the Jewish race. Obviously Jewish citizens were murdered by soldiers, war crimes like these have been committed throughout history but not always by the order of the nation’s leaders. I am simply skeptical to the claim that the mass murder of Jews was ordered by Hitler or anyone else at the time, that said there were obviously nazi soldiers that carried out ordered assassinations on particular people.
What Hitler believed
Hitler gave a great deal of speeches defaming the reputation of Jewish people. He made it clear that in his opinion, the Jews were the true enemy of Germany. I believe he did think Jews as a whole were a problem, not just the banks owned by a few Jewish families. He thought this either because of their cultural ideology or by their own genetics. From Hitler’s speeches, it is clear he was against Jewish people in general, their religion, and their political ideologies--especially the capitalism of banks which he believed to be of Jewish origin. If he believed particular Jewish banking families were solely to blame, he surely would have called them out specifically rather than calling out Jews in general, but since he didn’t it is safe to assume he was not solely against just the banks. That said, his statements reprimanding the Jews involved in banking and the media whom he believed were abusing their power does not necessarily mean he was in favor of killing off the Jewish race in its entirety but rather wanted the Jews exiled from Germany. A modern parallel to this is how many today view Muslims as being a major problem in the world. A person saying that Muslim immigration, terrorist attacks, and religious values are a problem does not make them racist against Muslim people by default. Nevertheless, Hitler's personal beliefs are not what I wish to argue, nor do I believe that he was not against Jews in general. I believe he was indeed against their beliefs and culture and wanted them exiled from Germany, however I think it is also very likely that the United States and Russia took this fact and used it as a way to attack the Nazi’s ideology through propaganda that claimed they performed the systematic murder of millions of Jewish people in order to make people feel highly motivated to fight the Nazis in the war.
Propaganda and the Credibility of where you get your Information
In order to question the possibility that the US may have made any false claims, first ask yourself whether or not the US has been the perpetrator of countless acts of atrocities. Slavery and horrendous discrimination of African Americans even after slavery was abolished went on for decades. People suspected of being Islamic terrorists are tortured by the US government, many of which are later found innocent after being tortured. The Native Americans were conquered in what many people consider a genocidal war, and the land formerly owned by Mexico was taken by the US in yet another bloody war. Has the propaganda of the Soviets/Russians that talked badly of the Americans not been largely disregarded as nonsense? Why should their propaganda of the Germans be believed without hesitation but their propaganda on the Americans be thrown out? Do you believe President Bush lied about the weapons of mass destruction? Do you believe today's presidential candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have been entirely truthful in their campaigns? Was president Nixon not impeached for his immoral actions? Was the Vietnam war immoral in your opinion? So I ask do you completely disregard the possibility that the US was ever capable of orchestrating propaganda against its enemies that was not true or exaggerated?
Confessions by Nazis and Japanese Internment Camps
The confession of Rudolf Hoes the commandant of Auschwitz was obtained by the British through torture, this was confirmed in the book Legions of Death “which contains the recollections of British sergeant Bernard Clark who brags about having tortured Hoes to get a confession out of him and threatening his family”. Some would say even if he didn’t use gas chambers to kill the prisoners his death sentence by hanging was still deserved for running a prison camp in which people did die from poor living conditions. But then what should have happened to the American soldiers that allowed Japanese prisoners to die from poor treatment and living conditions in the American prison camps of Japanese citizens? The conditions of the Japanese internment camps were awful and apparently prisoners were sometimes killed by guards. “Attempting escape, resisting orders, and treason were all punishable by death in internment camps. Guards would face little consequence for killing without just cause”. Apparently post world war II General Eisenhower ran prison camps in which supposedly anywhere from several hundred thousand to over a million Germans died from disease malnutrition in internment/concentration camps. According to Cole this is mentioned by “Lieutenant Ernest Fisher of the 101st airborne division a former senior historian of the United States army to remark in the recent book, “other losses” that starting in April 1945, the United States army and French army casually annihilated about one million men, most of them in American camps. Eisenhower's hatred, passed through the lens of a compliant military bureaucracy, produced the horror of death camps unequaled by anything in American military history. An enamourous war crime”. Some historians have discounted this as being false. I haven’t yet researched this myself so can’t say whether I believe it to be true or some sort of exaggeration. I forget the quote exactly but general Patton said something along the lines of “we have destroyed what could have been a very good and prosperous people (referring to the Germans).
The holocaust story is different around the world
The event of the holocaust is interpreted differently in various parts of the world. Cole states: “In the west it is claimed that the holocaust was for the most part a uniquely Jewish experience. Where soviet propaganda films told a story stressing the suffering of Russians, Poles, Ukrainians and others but there is little mention of the suffering of Jews. To polish locals Auschwitz was given a Catholic face, the suffering of Polish priests and other other martyrs is stressed and the attempted extermination of Polish people is the preferred theme. While western interpretations admit there were non Jewish victims however it was Jews and Jews only that were marked for extermination”. Not only have there been varying accounts of what happened in the holocaust that are now entirely debunked but there are a number of other supposed details that are now considered to be false by most historians. The soviets initially claimed and then eventually recanted statements such as a nuke being dropped on Jews, as well as soap and lampshades that were made from killed Jews. The Auschwitz state museum in 1990 decided to revise the number of people killed from 4 million to around 1 million. The number often jumps back and forth from a few hundred thousand to over 20 million. And yet today most people name a number and claim it as fact. Of course the number being less would not make the event any less awful but the point is the actual number has never been even remotely clear.
The Camps, Gas Chambers, Eye Witness Accounts, and Impossibilities
David Cole mentions the use of zyklon b which was supposedly used to gas people in the camps. What puts doubt on this is that zyklon b was used to delouse prisoners in order to keep disease from spreading, this could also explain why their heads were often shaved. Perhaps the zyklon b was used for both gassing people to death as well as delousing but it is important to consider what could be a possible explanation that does not involve gas chambers but rather delousing facilities. In his tour of Auschwitz there were no zyklon b staining anywhere in the gas chamber, where the delousing facility had a great deal of staining from zyklon b use. Cole was told that Part of the gas chamber was remodeled after the war by the staff to include the holes in the roof where zyklon b was said to be dropped from. Auschwitz was never bombed by the allies which means there was never any damage to the camp. When Cole inquired about why there were not many stains in the gas chamber room he was told that they only ran the chamber for very small amounts of time each day about 30 minutes in a 24 hour period, which does not make sense because then how else would hundreds of thousands to millions of people been killed in such a short amount of time when the chambers were used so infrequently? This contradicts many eye witness accounts of how often the gas chambers were used as well as being physically impossible. Historical pictures of Auschwitz that include aerial photographs of the area as well as inside photographs of the buildings in the camp do not match up to the stories we have been told. There are pictures of a theater in Auschwitz in which prisoners were allowed to perform plays that prisons could buy tickets to with a form of currency that they were able to earn while working in the camp. Why would a death camp have entertainment available for the prisons about to be killed? It makes far more sense that Auschwitz was used as a labor camp rather than a death camp. The aerial shots were taken at the time when supposedly the gas chambers were being used in mass, in none of these aerial shots are there large crowds of prisoners being taken to the gas chamber. There is no evidence of written records of the mass killings which could be explained by the Nazis destroying them. However the Soviets for a period of time intercepted radio signals from Auschwitz in which no discussions of mass killings were ever heard.
Holocaust pictures of dead bodies
Many people believe evidence such as the piles of dead bodies and the amount of shoes and other items that were taken prove without a doubt that people were killed in a massive holocaust. The Japanese also had their belongings taken from them, no amount of confiscated goods proves that people were killed, only that they were robbed of their belongings. The prisoners in Auschwitz were forced to wear prison outfits as well as prison shoes so of course there would be piles of shoes and other items. The films and pictures that show the disturbing images of dead bodies being pushed into piles by bulldozers is horrific but does not prove that those people were innocent civilians killed by german soldiers. During the second world war there were diseases such as typhus that killed thousands of people which created a problem of what to do with these dead bodies. There were also of course thousands of dead bodies of soldiers killed in the war. Many prisoners died from being overworked, starvation towards the end of the war, and according to some historians natural causes were the number one thing that the prisoners died from.
Films and Movies about the Gas Chambers
There are films that depict the gas chamber having a very secure metal door but the real door is made of wood. It is claimed that 2000 people were put into the gas chamber at one time in order to be gassed. If 2000 people began panicking they would obviously have no trouble breaking down a wooden door. The possibility of packing 2000 people into this chamber is also very unlikely, 2000 people would mean they would be standing shoulder to shoulder which would make taking baths almost impossible, which is what they would have been told they were about to do, the lack of soap dispensers also would have been reason for these people to be skeptical that the guards intended them to shower. Getting 2000 people inside would have taken a great deal of military like discipline. Supposedly new arrivals were sent immediately to the gas chamber which means they would have had no trouble breaking down the wooden door due to not feeling weak from overwork from labor and malnutrition. Crowds of panicking people have been known to push over concrete walls at sporting events. Now think about this, 2000 dead bodies in the gas chamber would have had to been dragged UP STAIRS to the room with the ovens. Why would they have not had some sort of conveyor belt system to take the bodies to a huge oven where the bodies would be dumped? The supposed story is that a couple single body ovens were used to dispose of 2000 per day. These single body ovens would have taken hours to burn one body. The math does not add up by any stretch of the imagination.
David Cole Flips… sort of
Originally David Cole appeared to be a full blown denier, only claiming to be a revisionist to keep certain people from flying off the handle. But after so many attacks on his life and having to hide he recently seems to have more or less totally flip flopped and is no longer a denier. Still a revisionist but adamantly trying to no longer be labeled a denier. As you can see from this article: http://www.countercontempt.com/archives/5348
That is what I have so far. If you have any riveting counter arguments or sources do tell.
And watch this:
Not even denying, the simple questioning of the official story can be illegal. That's very fishy, truth fears no investigation. If I thought so many of my kind were killed, I'd want to know every single little thing about what happened.
I don't understand why regular people also go off the deep end when holocaust denial is mentioned. I've brought it up in college classes before and people literally gasped out loud.
I upvoted you, not because I agree with what you say but because you did say it. I have read a lot about the holocaust and I have no doubt it happened, were we might be led astray is with the number of victims, and I doubt it mostly from a logistic point of view, just think of the man power Germany would have had to waste on guarding six million people, I bet you just feeding the guards at these levels of people would have been a nightmare, and six million people even on starving rations would be a big toll also, and this at a time Germany had to feed it's army, which was huge and were already losing ground so I think the aryan myth would have taken a second plane.
As for Hitler being a Socialist, frankly I have never read a book that says that, he believed in capitalism and his tendency was towards something more akin with fascism than anything else. Fascism has nothing to do with socialism, except if you equate Socialism with corporate welfare. In fact if you read about the beginning of the 1930's you find few people in Europe who were outright against his policies.
The way the Japanese Americans were treated was definitely crap.
Thanks. I still haven't done much research on Hitler or the Nazis and what they really did and believed, but I plan to at some point when I find the time. As far Hitler being capitalist maybe, there's a video of a speech he gave where he says something like "Jewish/American capitalism is bad" but I suppose he may not have meant capitalism in general but rather "Jewish capitalism". And like I said in the article I am a denier of the gas chambers, I do not totally disregard the possibility of a mass death method they may have used such as simply shooting them with guns or perhaps dropping bombs. When you say you are sure the holocaust happened do you mean you fully believe there were gas chambers?
Frankly i haven't given that much consideration, but in the end dead is dead so I don't think the method is so important, I can only hope that whatever method was used, it would have been the fastest, I think you understand what I mean.
Jews in general have an ideology which gives them a collective identity rather than an individual identity. Because of this they will always defend other jews regardless of right or wrong and regardless of the facts.
Great article about the Holocaust (and the fact that merely questioning bits and pieces could get us thrown into a rape cage)... the irony that we both share the same name ;P
I have done a fair bit of research into the 'Holocaust' (capital 'H' since 1945) myself including reading/watching some of the same material you sourced. A particularly good book (I thought) on the subject is called "Debating the Holocaust" by Thomas Dalton. It used to be available on Amazon up until a few months ago but freedom of speech only goes so far don't ya know ;-)
The authors website is http://www.debatingtheholocaust.com/ with the contents, introduction and chapter 1 being viewable on the site.
Such is the emotion and passion that this topic brings about in people, I didn't want to post anything on Steemit about it in case my reputation took a hit or I was voted down. Glad to see someone has more balls than me (and your rep doesn't appear to have suffered either).