Inner Earth Civilizations Exist and I Can Prove It: Agartha & Hollow Earth

in #history6 years ago (edited)

Agartha & Hollow Earth-Inner Earth Civilizations Exist


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The Truth Will Prevail

That which is taught as factual information about earth & our history in the indoctrination camps we all unfortunately had to endure known as school are in reality mere theories.

This piece of information I share with you will throw some of your views & opinions of the world into chaos - causing a violent reaction for some to defend what they are so certain is the reality of our reality on earth.

My only warning is to let go of certainty which is based on indoctrination and theories told to you as if they were factual.
Do the research and you will see there is little to no evidence to support these theories & infact so much evidence to point to the fact that we in essence know nothing - Let that not-knowing liberate your consciousness to explore the truths and information that has been in front of you this whole time (which has been coerced away from your awareness due to the cognitive dissonance that the false information has produce within you.)

Where there is resistance to truth - look within to determine what it is that is preventing you from being free.

All The Evidence To Date - Has Been Compiled To Bring You This Detailed View Of Possibilities Beyond What We Have Been Told By The Governments Around The World - Whom Lie & Conceal As A Matter Of Course.


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