In the previous post in this series we took a look at the anecdotal evidence for the existence of Giants in our past. It has been alleged and as you will see in this post admitted much of the actual skeletal remains discovered throughout the past 100 or so years is said to have been inexplicably hidden away from us over time by academic institutions such as the Smithsonian.
However we did see newspaper reports of discoveries, huge human like footprints and incredibly large Dolmens created out of monumental pieces of stone that give us clues to the existence of Giants in our hidden past.
This post was originally going to be about specific named mythological Giants however I have decided to leave that for a third and final post, so today we'll be looking at the so called Red Haired Giants, a phenomenon I thought prior to researching these posts was contained within North America specifically the in South West? It appears that is not the case, as we shall see.....
When does a myth become truth?

The Red Haired Giants.

Lovelock cave is situated in Churchill County, Nevada in SW USA. It has been known under many names such as Horseshoe cave, Sunset guano cave, Bat cave and Indian cave.
According to the Paiute a tribe that settled the region thousands of years ago, the area was once the home to a tribe of red haired Giants they called the Si-Te-Cah. We pick up the story here in this article from earthmysterynews.com ....
Many Native American tribes tell stories about the long-forgotten existence of a race of humans that were much taller and stronger than ordinary men. These giants are described as both brave and barbaric and legends often mention their cruelty towards whomever they pleased.
The Paiute, a tribe that settled in the Nevada region thousands of years ago, have an outstanding legend about a race of red-haired giants called the Si-Te-Cah. The ancestors of the Paiute described them as savage and inhospitable cannibals.
In the Northern Paiute language, ‘Si-Te-Cah’ literally means ‘tule-eaters.’ Legend has it that the giants came from a distant island by crossing the ocean on rafts built using the fibrous tule plant.
As odd as it may sound, this legend repeats itself all over the Americas, suggesting it might be an incomplete chronicle of a real event that happened long ago.
Image Source

In Crónicas del Perú, sixteenth century Spanish conquistador Pedro Cieza de León recorded an ancient Peruvian tale about the origin of the South American giants. According to legend, they “came by sea in rafts of reeds after the manner of large boats; some of the men were so tall that from the knee down they were as big as the length of an ordinary fair-sized man.”
Could the giants of Peru and the Si-Te-Cah have been survivors of a massive cataclysm who took refuge on the American continent?
Legend tells that the Si-Te-Cah waged war on the Paiute and all other neighboring tribes, spreading terror and devastation. Finally, after years of conflict, the tribes united against the common enemy and began to decimate them. The last remaining red-haired giants were chased off and sought shelter inside a cave. The tribes started a fire at the cave entrance, suffocating and burning alive the Si-Te-Cah. Those driven out by the smoke were also killed.
The tribes then sealed off the mouth of the cave so that no one might set eyes on those who had once plagued their land. They were all but forgotten until a random event brought them back to light.
In 1886, a mining engineer named John T. Reid happened to hear the legend from a group of Paiutes while prospecting near Lovelock, Nevada. The Indians told him that the legend was real and the cave was located nearby. When he saw the cave for himself, Reid knew he was onto something.
Image Source

Reid was unable to begin digging himself but news spread and soon, Lovelock cave was attracting attention. Unfortunately, the attention was profit-driven as guano deposits were discovered inside. A company started by miners David Pugh and James Hart began excavating the precious resource in 1911 and had soon shipped more than 250 tons to a fertilizer company in San Francisco. Any artifacts that might have been discovered were probably neglected or lost.
After the surface layer of guano had been mined, strange objects started to surface. This led to an official excavation being performed in 1912 by the University of California and another one took place in 1924. Reports told about thousands of artifacts being recovered, some of them being truly unusual.
Although their claims have not been verified (it comes as no surprise), sources said the mummified remains of several red-haired ancient giants were found buried in the cave. Measuring between 8 to 10 feet in height, these mummies have since been referred to as the Lovelock Giants.

Another intriguing find was a pair of 15 inch-long sandals that showed signs of having been worn. Allegedly, other unusually large items were recovered but have since been locked away in museum warehouses and private collection.
A piece of evidence that remains on-site until this day is a giant hand print, embedded on a boulder inside Lovelock Cave.
This is interesting as it ties into the Giant footprints I showed you in the last post, one of which was shown to be 200million years old!
It may sound like hyperbole but allowing potential evidence to be buried in museum basements and/or sold off to private collections is a crime against the history of humanity. If the evidence is proven to be real it should be made public so we can learn what really happened in the past and rewrite the history books. If it is bogus, prove it. In my opinion hiding the evidence is almost an admission that we have something extraordinary here that doesn't fit the current narrative in regards to the history of our planet and the species that have walked it in antiquity.
What is academia afraid of? Do they think we can't handle the truth?

Before I get back to the article I want to quickly show you this artcle called.....
Smithsonian admits destruction of thousands of giant human skeletons in the early 1900's.
Here is a few paragraphs from the damning article, please take time to read it through as it proves there has been a conspiracy to cover up the evidence of Giants in the USA.
It reads...
US Supreme Court ruling has forced the Smithsonian institution to release classified papers dating from the early 1900′s that proves the organization was involved in a major historical cover up of evidence showing giants human remains in the tens of thousands had been uncovered all across America and were ordered to be destroyed by high level administrators to protect the mainstream chronology of human evolution at the time.
During the court case, new elements were brought to light as several Smithsonian whistle blowers admitted to the existence of documents that allegedly proved the destruction of tens of thousands of human skeletons reaching between 6 feet and 12 feet in height, a reality mainstream archeology can not admit to for different reasons, claims AIAA spokesman, James Churward.
American Association for Alternative Archeology,
similar to the evidence presented in court.

The evidence came as a blow to the Smithsonian’s lawyers as the bone had been stolen from the Smithsonian by one of their high level curators in the mid 1930′s who had kept the bone all his life and which had admitted on his deathbed in writing of the undercover operations of the Smithsonian.
The newspapers were much more independent back then so reports of discoveries made it to press, the following headlines come from the same source.

Lets finish the original article before we move on...
Needless to say, this discovery has led many into believing the Paiute legend of the Si-Te-Cah might be more than just folklore.
Around the same time as the second Lovelock Cave excavation, another dig revealed a set of equally-disturbing finds. According to a 1931 article published in the Nevada Review-Miner, two giant skeletons had been found buried in a dry lake bed close to Lovelock, Nevada. The over-sized remains measured 8.5, respectively 10 feet in height and were mummified in a manner similar to the one employed by ancient Egyptians.
Another common trait between these mummified giant remains and the ones discovered as far south as Lake Titicaca is the presence of red hair. While some scientists believe the reddish color is a result of the interaction with the environment in which they were buried, the mummies verify the legends, which described the Si-Te-Cah and their kin as red-haired giants.
Proponents of alternative history believe these violent giants were none other than the biblical Nephilim, the forsworn offspring of the ‘Sons of God’ with the ‘daughters of men.’
If this is true, there’s little chance we might get to see any of the giant mummies. Those interested in keeping history secret will never disclose their location.
A fascinating story I think you'll agree, let's face it if the Smithsonian hadn't deliberately destroyed evidence we might be reading about this in mainstream history books. What a shame that certain 'academics' feel that have the right to control what is deemed as history.

There are some interesting threads in that article that link into a previous post I wrote a few months ago When does a myth become truth? Pt3 - The mystery of Puma Punku a place very close to Lake Titicaca which looks like it has been devestated by cataclysmic event. Could these red haired people be one and the same and fled to North America for refuge?
An interesting hypothesis considering the Giant skeletons and red haired mummies have been found all the way from there through to central and North America.
You're probably thinking "What's up with the shape of that skull?" Don't get me started, that's a whole other post!

To me it appears that there is plenty of evidence both avaialable and sadly destroyed to suggest that at a whole new investigation into these 'Giants' should be undertaken. What good are the history books if they are incorrect?
Its difficult to say whether or not the Red Haired Giants of the Northern part of the Americas are linked to the Red Haired Mummies of the South and only when prpoer research is done will a link if there is one is made. However I believe there is more than enough evidence to warrant to serious research.
It is a terrible crime to destroy any evidence of our past considering it is so fractured and so little evidence is available to work from, I'm fairly confident that a whole epoch of human history is being covered up deliberately and for no good reason. Yes it would put the academic world into turmoil however surely that is small price to pay for understanding our true history? Hopefully the case against the Smithsonian will encourage more scientists to come forward and demand this subject is research properly and maybe one day we'll see new exhibits documenting a previously unrecorded epoch of our history in museums around the world.

Hey @tremendospercy Thank you for sharing yet another fascinating post. There is so much of our history that is hidden and shrouded in the mists of time. Personally there is a part of me that theorises about the possibility that aspects have been removed to ensure that as a species we don't have a strong foundation on which to build upon. Like an orphaned child we subconsciously search for the truth of who we are and where we came from. Trying to eternally put together our historical jigsaw puzzle, alas it's also a puzzle that's had half of the pieces stolen. Unbalanced and imbalanced we float through time with only limited knowledge of where we're going or indeed where we've been. A fractured past could indeed empower a divided future.
Equally the shrouding of this epoch of giants hints that their story is potentially far more entwined with ours than many would believe ;) Thus perhaps this is one piece of the jigsaw that someone really doesn't want connecting.
Once again great post my friend.
A brilliant comment as ever my friend.
I agree entirely, the history we've been sold has no room for deviations or anomalies as far as mainstream academia are concerned. It's set in stone and can't be changed no matter what contradictory evidence is unearthed!
What a ridiculous state of affairs!
Fortunately the world is changing and people are starting to question the history books, and rightly so. It just goes to show how easy it is to manipulate the public, you control the present and you control the past and the future too.
The truth movement is determined to uncover the lies and deceit of the controllers of our world which I'm 100% behind however we mustn't lose sight of the fact that the lies starting a really long time ago and almost everything we believe to be true needs to be questioned.
What a can of worms eh!?
Cheers mate.
Exactly my friend, these lies started far further back than our rudimentary understanding of human history. Slowly we begin to witness the destruction of dogma and the dismantling of their diatribe against anyone whom dares disagree with officialdom .. what a time to be alive eh?
It certainly is mate, everything we write on here is immortal so if we fail to get to the truth people in the future can look back and see it wasn't because we didn't try.
It's just so baffling to me why they would continue to cover up stuff like this. What is the harm in us knowing about the existence of Giants? What's your hypothesis on the reason TP?
I think it may be from pressure from religious groups as it throws the God made earth is 7 days story out of whack, although that is ridiculous because if the 'Nephilim' were proven to have existed it would give the Bible so much more credence to those who don't have faith. Maybe it'sjust a powerful group of academics who just don't want the truth out, who can say?
It throws current Darwinism theories in the bin, albeit only slightly, there is no reason the Darwinists need to feel threatened afterall they could just have been another human sub-set.
It's frustrating because the truth would be so much more interesting than the lie.
The closest I can come up with, is that the lies keep life nice and bland, drab and boring. It keeps us "small" and destroys our imagination and curiosity.
The truth is always more interesting than a lie anf fabrication, but then the lie keeps us where they want us and not dreaming of similar things to them as they are equipped with the truth ! Only some seemingly have the right to dream and feel God in their veins !!
Yes if proven it would give the Bible much more credence, which is why Kent Hovind has been promoting this topic of giants heavily and he literally believes God created the world in 7 days.
Another Percy masterpiece. The story of the red headed giants has always fascinated me. Damn the Smithsonian.
Cheers Muxxy.
Yeah, Damn their eyes!
Beautiful article!
I am always impressed with your finds, and your mind? You and I must have dinner one night when you're in my neck of the woods or I'm in yours :)
It's a date! I'm gonna be doing a big ass NorthAmerican road trip in the next few years. I know quite a few folks in Canada and US I'd like to visit, you're definately on the list.
Thanks for the kind words babe.
I found this entry fascinating, I was only familiar with the biblical account of giants. I was sadly unaware of this coverup and the extent to which Smithsonian has gone to hide/destroy such evidence that would support the biblical account. I'm not sure who is ultimately to blame, but it is our right to know more.
That's right Janelle, they have no right to hide evidence.
Their job and the job of museums is to preserve our history not doctor it and hide it from us.
They should be ashamed, destroying any evidence of our past is a serious crime in my opinion.
have you heard about the Giants still living on the Solomon Islands -
I Love Your Posts @tremondospercy - I'm into the same type of research ;-) Peace @blackrussian
Thanks mate,
I have heard about the Solomon Island Giants as well as other interesting stories from that part of the world, there are an incredible amount of stories the world over. I have no doubt this was a sub set of humans in the past, maybe even still are to this day.
The Pacific is a massive area that had many areas evolving in isolation for a really long time, just look at Easter island & Pohnpei. Something extraordinary happened in those two p,aces in the past which still needs to be explained.
@tremendospercy - we need to get you out into the field @ some of these megalith locations, Bosnia, Sardinia, Portugal, Malta, UK etc basically most of Europe, most of the world - for some Vlog documentaries - the reason I say this is because your work/research is as good as anyone's out there at the moment - we will speak further - Great Work @tremondospercy
Thanks mate, I really appreciate that.
It'd be really cool to be able to blog from these sites around the world.
Maybe one day 😉
Spam comment alert: you remembered the link 💜 at the end of your post. I’m so proud! Also, less spammy comment have you considered taking a trip to these places and seeing what you could find/uncover?
I'd love to be an amateur archeologist. It's always fascinated me.
I have been to some of the sites I've written about but not all yet and hope to have more time to travel to more when I retire. There are so many places though, where to begin?
Begin in Florida then travel to Brazil then go to South Africa:)
So you want me to pick you up in Florida then fly to Brazil and on the South Africa then?
Sounds like a plan 😉
The party starts in Florida, picks up in Brazil, then skyrockets in SA :)
Interesting. I really do not know if the giants have existed or not, although their existence does not mean something supernatural, they can simply be an extinct human race.
Unfortunately as you say, the "academics", who are in the pockets of the rulers, want to control the history to be able to manipulate us, as Orwell said "Who controls the past controls the future".
Indeed there is quite a lot of evidence! I have read into this and it seems there is a lot of writings from the pat about it! So why cover it up it just madness. Legends don't just come out of nothing. Thing would make a lot more sense if the truth was told.
I think is they let one bit out their whole game would crumble and this is why. But it coming out and it can't be stopped now! When the hundredth monkey wake the truth will come gushing out 💯🐒
GREAT post! I am pretty knowledgable about the Lovelock Cave, and you still had some info I had never seen before! Have you made the connection to the Malheur Refuge? That is pretty trippy... There is a cave at the back of the refuge, the Masons still use it for ceremonies and there are stories... Here is the official one: http://www.burnslodge.org/malheur.html
Thanks mate. No I've never heard of it, thanks for reading, commenting and the link.
"It is a terrible crime to destroy any evidence of our past considering it is so fractured and so little evidence is available to work from, I'm fairly confident that a whole epoch of human history is being covered up deliberately and for no good reason. "
I am writing for a big archaeological website and that is our motto there. You covered the topic with great respect and this is how any of us who attempts to write about historical topics (or even myths really) should treat historical matters, with respect and an unbiased view. We weren't there; we didn't witness them with our eyes, so let's report things based on the available facts (not our personal views).
PS. Still waiting for you to take a look on my blog stories (Wacky Facts) and leave me some feedback ;)
It's great to see that others are researching historical mysteries and are willing to look at them as unproven truths rather than fantasies of those who wrote them down in antiquity.
I've just been and had a look at your blog mate, I do like the wacky facts posts they're very interesting.
I'll keep an eye out for your work buddy.
Thank you for commenting on my today's post, mate.
There's always a reason!
I have researched this for many years and what I come up with was in the days of old the bankers and governments used their money for expeditions to find ancient text or technologies of the ancients all over the world and all countries that had the money followed. The things they found that did not match what they were trying to do got sacked, the technologies they found they tweeked, twisted and called it their own and sold it to you, and the world keeps spinning .....
Sounds about right!
I see articles and photos on your post, have a historical and cultural value of an area. This post is certainly very interesting to add insight in the field of history.
If you do not mind, I will resteem this post in my account. I will wait for this reply from you. thanks. Me, @writing history #writing history
Saya melihat artikel dan foto pada postingan milikmu, memiliki nilai sejarah dan budaya suatu daerah. Postingan ini tentunya sangat menarik untuk menambah wawasan di bidang ilmu sejarah.
Jika kamu tidak keberatan, saya akan resteem postingan ini di akun saya. Saya akan menunggu balasan komentar ini darimu.
Terima kasih. Saya, @menulissejarah #menulissejarah
Great posts gather great comments. - It's true! I read it in a bowl of alphabits cereal.
Well post 👌👌 dear @tremendospercy
This is an AMAZING post! Thank you for sharing! I voted!
You have expressed the story of the mythological giant very beautifully. There was a great post.
Thats pretty cool. There was slso a show on i think the history channel about this up in the northeast united states. They were having issues getting dig permits also.
They are living in the inner earth... entry north or south pole :) great article!
Very informative thanks and keep up the great work.
Folks need to remember the Bible is a history book!
Yes I believe there are many records still being hidden from mankind and if they came to light it just might rock the entire world.
They are afraid of people noticing that dogmads they are trying to propagate are not real, in case we unferstand the meaning of life would br eventualy 100% free. Keep it up!
Awesome stuff! I just love conspiracies, especially if there are traces of physical evidence that, most likely, is being deliberately hidden. It makes me think of UFO conspiracies, Bigfoot and the like. The problem with mainstream media nowaday's and documentaries, is that they don't disclose the full picture. Leaving it to be a conspiracy...
Wow!!.. educating and informative... Nice post
Now i am beginning to question so so much.....i still dont understand why evidence would be destroyed at all......hopefully, there would still be some last ditch historical evidence available for study.
Great to see you may have a sponsored travel offer too Gulliver ;)Another intriguing part to the story. I was wondering about the genetic Pituitary condition being an explanation. I can see how it could explain small numbers and perhaps even family clusters, but thousands is probably stretching it. This link traces the genetic trail in Ireland (of Giant's Causeway fame ), so it might be worth considering. http://www.fipapatients.org/irishgiants/
Might be worth checking 23d Jan Zeg tv on YouTube re Denisovans Siberia.
saw this for frst time
Truly fascinating... I'm led to believe more about the existence of giants from Bible tales in Genesis.Big ups
There is a lot of evidence suggesting the existence of giants in our history. What's so weird about it? Evolution could very well have led some branch of humanity down a gigantic path.
That femur found in 2011 is almost as tall as the man in the picture, which would make sense and actually match the descriptions made by ancient tribes and the conquering Spanish.
It's really exciting to know there is still so much to be learnt from our past.