
howdy trudeehunter! Thank you so much for reading and for the support, I like Australians! lol

You are very welcome indeed my friend. And the feeling is mutual. From what I've seen of Texans they are very amiable.......and have a great sense of humour. 😃

Howdy this fine Tuesday trudeehunter! As far as Texans go, I think it used to be much safer to say that but nowadays with huge migrations coming in from New York and California its a real mix of people. Half the time when you meet someone new they're from out of state and not very Texan at all! It's a sad state of affairs in some ways because Texas has been a God-fearing conservative state but the liberals are working to turn her into a socialist, atheist state.

Sadly, this is a sign of the times Janton and very widespread throughout the world.