Intriguing topic to say the least. I've always been fascinated by UFOs and the existence of other life forms that are extraterrestrial.
Many might not agree with what I will say, but from personal experience with the supernatural and super spiritual, I would definitely claim that the UFO themselves are entities. From a "religious" aspect, I can sum it up to deceptive fallen angels with the ability to shape shift, from a "logical" aspect, (which is also preferential) I can sum it up to the UFOs being figments of imaginations as well as the contributing factor that our now government status in the advancement of high performance vehicular transportation in the flight sector is not to be taken lightly, underestimated or undermined. If resources are poured in to a particular technology and focus enough, it shall be brought into fruition. As far as the strange depictions of alien technology dated in those ancient times, I could say fallen angels did exist in those days, or biblically speaking, men were able to live 7-9 times longer than the maximum 120 year life expectancy stipulated to us by God Almighty. So with so much time to master a craft, especially being gifted by God the Creator with special talents, possibly in chemistry, and technology, imagine how advanced you would be with a 7-900 year old brain wired with muscle memory and experience of trial and error?
Just a thought to get the mind wandering. The religious aspect as interpreted by many from my own beliefs and speculations may be disregarded but hopefully it provides another avenue of thought process on this nice post of yours.
Keep up the great work. I would enjoy seeing more of this.
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Yes, UFOs and aliens may be entities or deceptive angels or self proclaimed Gods, or extra-dimensional beings, or maybe all of these things at the same time :D
It's interesting how the same topic may be observed by many different standpoints, in different moments of humanity, and still remain an enigma.
Thank you so much for you feedback and following, it's much appreciated!
Definitely a deep subject worth looking into further. You're most welcome.