“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana
This is the Waking Artist's pencil sketch of a girl sat in a library studying human history. 📚🌟 the text in the bubble reads; “I must first study and learn from the past to understand the present”
We are now constantly bombarded with the noise of so many opinions. But what are they worth if they are not actually informed and developed through persistent self education, learning and discovery with open, yet critically thinking minds? And when it comes to History where real Truth can be discovered, who bothers to study it?
Do we not all have a responsibility to know what came before us so that we can make informed decisions in the here and now, rather than forming empty, meaningless, and often destructive uninformed opinions which are usually propagandised by the mainstream media/newspapers/politicians, later swallowed and spat out by the masses? In light of this we must begin asking ourselves, how much of our own thoughts are actually our own?
It is important to look back and learn from past mistakes. We have information at our finger tips, if we do not pick up even a single book on historic events and study them before we formulate and express our thoughts, are we not choosing to remain ignorant and also being part of the problem?
Begin reading a good, challenging historical book this week, even if you read for just 10 minutes a day. Seek alternative historians, researchers and scholars. learn from an eclectic array of sources which question and go against the status quo.
We can start to really learn and come to know the truth of the past through our own independent research and study. We can educate ourselves so that we can really make a positive difference in the present, and so we can all avoid revolving back to repeating the same old mistakes of human history.
“In the age of information, ignorance is a choice.” ― Donny Miller
- Waking Artist