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RE: Modern Russia: A Fascist State

in #history8 years ago

Crimea is Russian. Snowden is Russian. Russians are straight. And the dollar is dead. Worry about your own $20,000,000,000,000 national debt, your $50,000,000,000 a MONTH trade deficit, your race riots, your 50,000,000 Americans on Food Stamps, your bathroom situation for perverts, your out of control NSA, your Wide Open Border, your bruce jenner crashing cars in dresses, your children's low math and science scores, your high taxes and the federal reserve printing TRILLIONS of dollars out of thin air. ALL US troops must come home NOW, ALL foreign aid must stop NOW. Russia is a beautiful, white, proud European nation and the World Cup tournament will be a success... p.s. What happened to Seth Rich?


the thing is, mate, i dont give a damn about others :D first and foremost- my state and a welfare of it's people. When 20% of populace is beyound poverty line, while government bombs syrian terrorists and each of missile strikes cost hundreds of thousands of dollars- well, judge yourself...

50,000,000 Americans are on food stamps! Who are you calling poor? Russia has a balanced budget while the US has $21,000,000,000,000 in national debt! Are you insane? You do realize the first to bomb ISIL's stolen oil was Russia, right? NOT hussein obama. Did you see the Confederation Cup hosted by Russia, the beautiful cities? God Bless Russia and the Russian people you racist!

That filthy subhuman marxist creature jeff zucker has DESTROYED CNN with his sick obsession with Russia. Their ratings are lower than yogi bear!!! Even the idiot merkel has stated she will STOP supporting hussein obama's idiotic sanctions! God Bless Russia and the Russian people!

You do understand the author is Russian correct?

Just because you're buying it doesn't mean I am.

The ones with the biggest mouths never read.

Good thing my mouth is normal, yours has some lipstick on it though......

Yeah it was a joke.

Sort of like your entire existence.

I scrolled through your comments and all I saw was hate.

Sounds like you need a therapist bub.

Just because you think you are joking doesn't mean you are funny. Hate? Do I hate the lipstick on your lips? Yes. Do I hate racists? Yes. Do I hate liars? Yes. So, what's wrong with any of that? I don't wear lipstick so I'm not sure why you think I am the one who needs therapy.

You aren't even making sense.

Calm down.