Hitler died in Argentina

in #hitler9 years ago

The skull  that got Russians from bunker is from a woman, Hitler didnt die in Germanian bunker ( first time Discovery Channel said a true , but its a middle true),  Hitler was AWARDED by Black Lodge ( bankers or banksters) because increased the weapons sales, diminish population, and got the principal objetive of Second World War: create the Israel state.  Hitler and Churchil had done a pact 8 months before the finish of the war, but Rothschild liked that England gave him the Palestinian territories for create the Israel state, pushed Hitler , giving him more money and the war continue until Churchill accept.  Rothschild liked an army and he got this with the creation of Israel. 

Then Hitler , with the help of CIA and Vatican ( using nunneries) succeeded in going to Argentina , and lived in the frontier between Argentina and Chile, he traveled to many countries, Mexico, and USA every time with the help of CIA, many people talked about saw him, but happened like with UFOs, said that only was a collective hysteria


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I don't see killing almost all Jews and creating a state for them fitting in the same picture?? What is the rationale?

Rothschild liked an army, not a promised land, Rothschild is not jew, is satanic. He need to decrease the population of jews because many had the kabbala and tarot knowledge, Israel is not jew, and jews are not represents by Israel, there are more jews in Ethiopia and the other place in Russia that i dont remember.

I agree that hitler lived beyond ww11 quite a bit of evidence to that. But I believe Hitler was ousted because he went rouge. Stealing the Rothchilds artwork probably didn't go over to well. Also I would like to see. Your evidence on the Churchill hitler deal .That one I never heard before

yes i know that you never heard, and nothing that i wrote , you never heard. The source isnt appear in no book. is special information. Always there are pacts between the elite, and the poor and middle class pay for all. The war is a great bussiness, the peace not.