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RE: Side-By-Side Roast Chicken Sandwich

in BISS2 years ago

The Good Husband's Guide...I'm sure no one has ever written this guide...

That would be hilarious. Imagine the mysoginists' response to that?

You should give it a go, Lizelle.

As for me? I follow that guide. Every word! 🤣🤣🤣🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


Oh my word, I had to look up that big word, a man like that certainly won't get any favours from me 😅
That would actually make quite a fun topic for a writing prompt, would be VERY interesting to hear what today's man or woman sees as the good wife or good husband😂
I must confess when I think about it, just like you, I do quite a number of those things...for the right reasons though...out of love...unlike the 50s women who felt it was their duty...but our men occasionally return that favour, not so. Mine knows how to make breakfast, a limited menu though - boiled or scrambled eggs, toast & lays out whatever he can find in the fridge to put on that toast...oh, and he knows how to make tea and serve me coffee in bed😂