Deliciousness in a Kitchen near You....

in BISS2 years ago (edited)

What did i learn lately over here at Sandwiches...

That Cheryl's Humble Sandwich
arty.png is many things, just not that... more like: delicious, juicy, fresh. Go see for yourself... Thanks @artywink!

That Lizzies Side-By-Side Roast Chicken Sandwichsmirk
lizzie makes me go to my kitchen for no reason at all... Thanks @Lizelle!

That to make Eli's Caprese BurgerHow come i didn't think of stuffing my patties myself. Ha.
eli.png you need to stuff it with some dry tomato, basil and cheese... Thanks @coquicoin!

That there is the Sandwich Holiday
tengo.png on the 4th of November and Ed really celebrated it with two sandwiches and even a podcast... Thanks @tengolotodo!

btw, i 'missed' that holiday only because i can see no reason for it, since every day is a sandwich holiday to me... smirk

Now dear Reader, go have a look at these Yummies!
But Beware, eat a sandwich first!

...and please give them a well deserved Tip...


Dear Sandwich Lovers - please show us your daily creations, to fill this library with all the deliciousness possible and make me run to my kitchen for another bready delight. The "rules" are easy peasy...

How and what to post

  1. SANDWICHES ONLY - posted directly into the community
  2. MADE BY YOURSELF - original content only
  3. ONE QUALITY PICTURE at least - taken by you
  4. May give us some HOW TO recipe of your delight
  5. BEWARE:
  6. If it seems that these simple rules are not followed, the post will be muted!
  7. If you miss twice, you're out and your account gets muted!
  8. Crossposts WILL be muted!

Now, here comes my NRWE (No Rule without Exception). Since there is also the "pizza", which to me should actually counts as an open-sandwich, will be accepted here as long as it is home made from A to Z. I personally fold these baked dough patties in half and voilà, a sandwich is created. You have to admit, Pizza offers one of the best hot sandwiches ever - the Classic "Calzone"... Yummy Yummy!



Hehe, Dude! It's true, how come you didn't think of stuffing your patties? Now I can't wait to see what you come up with to stuff them with ;)
And each one of these creations looks more appetizing than the other, now I'm hungry LOL


We just got four kittens in here... don't give me ideas i already had. 😏
and i warned about the posts. best read AFTER you had something to eat!

Four kittens!! Have fun 😹
You can be sure that before I read the next community compilation, I will first make me a sandwich. 🤣
