Curried Pork with Rice

in Hive Food4 years ago

The curried pork and rice gratin recipe I share with you today is about my food recycling tricks. Please stop forgetting your food leftovers at the back of the fridge and you’ll save much much money!


I’ve recently cooked a creamy curried pork and I had some leftovers. I can’t stand wasting food and I always have an idea to transform my leftovers.

My son always says that I’m the recycling queen but I owe my Nan this food recycling talent:

She had knew the second world war in Burgundy and knew what starting really means and that’s the reason why food recycling comes naturally to me now.

I’m inclined to cook larger quantities than needed and food recycling opportunities are numerous and frequent at home.

I could also have cooked a curried pork hash, a curried pork pie or curried pork meat balls to recycle my leftovers but I had something else in mind:

This creamy curried pork and rice gratin recipe.

But you can also cook this creamy curried pork and rice gratin without leftovers! If you give this recipe a try, although you have no leftover, buy pork shoulder, pork fillet or pork loin. These pork cuts are perfect for this kind of pork cooking. I’ve used pork shoulder (it was the less expensive pork cut at butcher’s!).

You can also use this recipe to recycle any stewed meat dish, such as , the most important is to have some gravy or sauce to avoid rice turns dry after baking.

Grated cheese is the last touch:

It gives much character to this nourishing gratin. I’ve used grated gruyere but cheddar or parmesan cheese will also be a great deal.

Preparation time is 80 minutes if you don’t have leftovers. It’s only 10 minutes if you use stewed meat leftovers.

Ingredients 4 servings

500 gr Pork shoulder or fillet or loin
1 Table spoon olive oil
10 gr Mild curry (3 tea spoons)
Half a Parsley bunch
2 Garlic gloves
20 cl Shippable cream
Thyme (4 pinches powdered thyme)
300 gr Rice (Basmati)
150 gr Grated cheese (gruyere)
10 cl Milk



Cut pork into large chunks.Pour 1 table spoon olive oil into a pan, preheat the pan, add pork and thyme. Brown meat on each side over medium heat for 10 minutes.


Deglaze with 40 cl water and lower heat.


Mix 10 grams mild curry (about 3 table spoons) with 20 cl shippable cream. Pour into the pan, stir, cover and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes.


Meanwhile, peel garlic gloves, wash parsley leaves and chop thinly.


Add garlic and parsley, stir and simmer over low heat for 30 more minutes. Add salt as taste.


Remove pork chunks from pan and cut into small slices or chunks (about 1 cm dices)


Cook rice according to package instructions. Drain and place in baking dish.


Add curried pork.


Add milk and cheese. Mix well until ingredients are totally combined.

Flatten and sprinkle remaining cheese on top. Cover with aluminum foil to allow cheese to melt. Turn oven grill on and lightly brown for 5 minutes.


Bon appétit!


Our national food of Bangladesh is rice and I like all my food made with rice very much.