Nigeria is located in the western part of Africa.
Nigerian OGBONO soup is one of the very popular soups in the eastern and southern part of Nigeria.
It's a very delicious soup which star ingredient is the ogbono seeds which give the soup a slimy texture.
The Recipe for this food is as follows
Ogbono seeds
Protein of choice
Smoked fish
Palm oil
Green leafy vegetables
Cow skin
Salt and seasoning to taste
Locust bean.
Steam the protein with salt, seasonings and habenero pepper.
Once, it's well steamed, add the smoked fish, cow skin, snails, locust bean and add water enough to cook the soup through.
When it comes to a boil add the blended crayfish powder and taste for seasoning to adjust where necessary.
Add the blended ogbono seeds mixed with the palm oil into the pot.
Allow to boil for 15 minutes for the ogbono to cook properly.
Taste for seasoning and add the periwinkles.
Add any green leafy vegetables of choice but bitter leaf and Nigerian uziza leaf is the best bet in ogbono soup.
Serve and enjoy with any swallow of choice.