Saludos queridos hivers, bienvenidos a mi blog de recetas fáciles de preparar y con sabor a hogar, les deseo una feliz y productiva semana. Hoy les quiero compartir como hacer un pastel de papa y atún gratinado, esta es la primera vez que lo preparo y les digo que quedó delicioso, los invito a hacerlo en casa y espero les guste tanto como a mí. Acá el paso a paso para su preparación.
Greetings dear hivers, welcome to my blog of recipes that are easy to prepare and taste like home, I wish you a happy and productive week. Today I want to share with you how to make a potato and tuna gratin cake, this is the first time I have prepared it and I tell you that it was delicious, I invite you to do it at home and I hope you like it as much as I do. Here is the step by step for its preparation.
- 5 papas de tamaño mediano, 1 tomate, media cebolla, medio pimentón pequeño/ 5 medium-sized potatoes, 1 tomato, half an onion, half a small pepper.
- 1 lata pequeña de atún natural/ 1 small can of natural tuna.
- Aceite, sal,salsa de ajo, oréano, salsa de tomate, margarina/ Oil, salt, garlic sauce, oreano, tomato sauce, margarine.
- Queso rallado, 4 lonjas de queso mozzarella, 2 huevos/ Grated cheese, 4 slices of mozzarella cheese, 2 eggs
Paso/Step 1:
Para comenzar vamos a lavar con abundante agua las papas y a colocar a sancochar. Una vez sancochadas las papas le retiramos la piel y trituramos hasta hacer un puré, luego añadimos 2 cucharadas de margarina, sal al gusto y queso rallado, mezclar para integrar los ingredientes. Reservar.
To begin, we are going to wash the potatoes with plenty of water and place them to parboil. Once the potatoes are parboiled, we remove the skin and mash until puree, then we add 2 tablespoons of margarine, salt to taste and grated cheese, mix to integrate the ingredients. Reserve.
Paso/Step 2:
Ahora vamos a preparar un guiso de atún. Cortar un tomate, media cebolla y medio pimentón pequeño en trocitos, luego en una paila añadir tres cucharadas de aceite y sofreír los vegetales. Una vez que hayan deshidratado un poco añadir el atún.
Now we are going to prepare a tuna stew. Cut a tomato, half an onion and half a small pepper into small pieces, then in a saucepan add three tablespoons of oil and fry the vegetables. Once they have dehydrated a little, add the tuna.
Paso/Step 3:
Condimentar el guiso de atún con salsa de ajo, sal al gusto, dos cucharadas de salsa o pasta de tomate y orégano. Cocinar por algunos minutos.
Season the tuna stew with garlic sauce, salt to taste, two tablespoons of tomato sauce or paste, and oregano. Cook for a few minutes.
Paso/Step 4:
Ahora viene la parte divertida, vamos a armar nuestro pastel de atún. En un recipiente refractario añadir la mitad del puré de papas que reservamos previamente y a distribuirlo de manera uniforme, luego añadir el guiso de atún y sobre este agregar la otra mitad del puré de papas. Para culminar añadir queso rallado y queso mozzarella, también a manera de aportar algo de color añadir trocitos de pimentón. Llevar al horno el pastel de atún hasta que gratine.
Now comes the fun part, we are going to assemble our tuna pie. In a refractory container add half of the mashed potatoes that we previously reserved and distribute it evenly, then add the tuna stew and on top of it add the other half of the mashed potatoes. To finish, add grated cheese and mozzarella cheese, also to add some color, add pieces of paprika. Bake the tuna pie until it melts.
Servir y disfrutar de este delicioso pastel de atún, yo lo serví con patacones, pero puedes acompañarlo con arroz o con lo que tú prefieras hacerlo. Espero te haya gustado mi receta, me despido de ustedes,abrazos hivers.
Serve and enjoy this delicious tuna cake, I served it with patacones, but you can accompany it with rice or whatever you prefer. I hope you liked my recipe, I say goodbye to you, hugs hivers.
Fotos de mi propiedad tomadas con mi celular Redmi 9, editadas con PowerPoint y Photoshop CS5 // Texto traducido por Google Translate.
Photos of my property taken with my Redmi 9 cell phone, edited with Power Point and Photoshop CS5 // Text translated by Google Translate.
Really, you have shared the recipe for making potato and tuna gratin cake in a very easy way and with very few ingredients. Here in India, only one type of cake is made. You shared something different, and we got to learn something new. Thank you very much.
I invite you to prepare this cake and then tell me if it was to your taste. Greetings.
Friend, thank you very much for inviting me and for following me. I will definitely try to cook like you. However, I definitely try to cook something new in my food during the weekend. I like to cook and feed others. feels good .
Nunca antes habia visto éste pastel de papa y atun. El pescado siempre me es dificil de conmbinar, esta receta es algo que realmente debo probar ♥