Hola comensales, espero que tengan un lindo día. Bienvenidos a mi Blog. El día de hoy con mucho orgullo, les presento mi tartaleta de frutas rellena de pudin, que es una de mis exquisiteces, me queda espectacular, he ido variando los ingredientes y de esta forma en la cual se las presentaré es mi favorita. Espero la disfruten. Saludos y bendiciones para todos.
Hello friends, I hope you have a nice day. Welcome to my blog. Today, with great pride, I present to you my fruit tart filled with pudding, which is one of my delicacies. It turns out spectacular. I have been varying the ingredients and this is how I will present it to you, it is My favorite. I hope you enjoy it. Greetings and blessings to all.
Ingredientes: / ingredients:
Masa de tartaleta:
1/3 taza de aceite vegetal
1/3 taza azúcar blanca
1 huevo
Canela al gusto
2 tazas de harina de trigo
1 pudin de vainilla marca sonrisa
4 cdas de leche entera
1 taza y media de agua
2 melocones
12 fresas pequeñas
Tartlet dough:
1/3 cup vegetable oil
1/3 cup white sugar
1 egg
Cinnamon to taste
2 cups wheat flour
1 Smile brand vanilla pudding
4 tbsp whole milk
1 1/2 cups water
2 peaches
12 small strawberries
Proceso: / Process:
En un bowl se agrega el aceite y el azúcar
In a bowl add the oil and sugar
Posteriormente se agrega el huevo y la canela
Then add the egg and cinnamon
Y para finalizar la mezcla, se añade la harina poco a poco mientras se mezcla con una cuchara
And to finish the dough, add the flour little by little while mixing with a spoon.
Con nuestras manos mezclamos la masa para darle más calor
With our hands we mix the dough to give it more heat
Y extendemos con las manos en una bandeja de aluminio para tartaletas
And we spread it with our hands on an aluminum tartlet tray.
Se abren agujeros con un tenedor a la masa y se mete al horno por 15 minutos o hasta quedar como una galleta
Holes are made with a fork in the dough and it is placed in the oven for 15 minutes or until it becomes like a cookie.
En una olla se mezcla el agua con la leche y el pudin
In a pot, mix the water with the milk and the pudding
Se coloca la olla a fuego medio hasta que espese
Place the pot over medium heat until it thickens
Se deja reposar el pudin y cuando esté tibio se agrega a la tartaleta
Let the pudding rest and when it is warm, add it to the tartlet
Se deja reposar la tartaleta con el pudin y al estar frío se le colocan las frutas a nuestra conveniencia
Let the tartlet rest with the pudding and when it is cold, add the fruit to your liking.
En mi caso le hice un diseño con frutas a la tartaleta y lista para disfrutarla
In my case, I made a fruit design on the tart and it was ready to enjoy
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Collage by | Collage por Canva.
Fotografía por | Photography by: @mairimmorales, Tecno Spark 10 PRO.
Translated with | Traducido por https://translate.google.com
This looks so delicious, I hope you are close by so that I can have a bite of it.
Thanks for sharing
Hahaha everyone loves the tartlet. And the crunchy shape of the cookie with the softness of the pudding. I hope you make it. It's very good.
This tart looks so yummy 😋, now I'm craving something sweet. Well done and thanks for sharing this recipe
I spent many years with various recipes that didn't turn out well. Until I found this one that suited my palate. It's my family's favorite. It's very tasty.