Saludos, queridos amigos cerveceros, hoy los invito a acompañarme en un viaje sensorial que nos lleva a Bélgica y Alemania. En esta experiencia, probé la cerveza Martens y la malta Hyper Malt, dos opciones muy diferentes, pero igualmente interesantes. Aquí les comparto mis impresiones, porque cada bebida tiene su historia y, sobre todo, su sabor.
Greetings, dear beer friends, today I invite you to join me on a sensory journey that takes us to Belgium and Germany. In this experience, I tasted Martens beer and Hyper Malt, two very different but equally interesting options. Here I share with you my impressions, because each drink has its own story and, above all, its own taste.

Comencemos con la cerveza Martens, un emblema de la tradición cervecera belga que se remonta a 1758. Esta lager de 4.6% de alcohol destaca a primera vista por su empaque en tonos blanco y dorado, que hacen honor a su naturaleza como cerveza rubia.
Al servirla, me encontré con un color dorado pálido y una espuma blanca persistente, que en apariencia promete una experiencia interesante. Pero, al probarla, noté que su sabor es suave, incluso algo aguado, con un carácter poco marcado. No se percibe el amargor típico de otras lagers, lo cual puede ser un punto a favor si buscas algo ligero.
Aunque no se convirtió en mi favorita, creo que tiene su lugar. Por su suavidad, sería una buena opción para acompañar comidas rápidas o pasapalos, ya que su sabor no compite con el de los alimentos. Como siempre digo, cada paladar es un mundo, así que te animo a que la pruebes y me cuentes tu experiencia. ¡Salud!

Let's start with Martens beer, an emblem of Belgian brewing tradition dating back to 1758. This 4.6% alcohol lager stands out at first glance for its packaging in white and gold tones, which honor its nature as a lager.
Upon pouring, I was met with a pale golden color and a lingering white foam, which on the surface promises an interesting experience. But, upon tasting it, I noticed that its flavor is mild, even somewhat watery, with little marked character. There is no bitterness typical of other lagers, which can be a plus if you are looking for something light.
Although it didn't become my favorite, I think it has its place. Because of its smoothness, it would be a good choice to accompany fast food or snacks, since its flavor does not compete with the food. As I always say, every palate is different, so I encourage you to try it and tell me about your experience. cheers!

Ahora vamos con la Hyper Malt, una malta alemana que realmente me sorprendió. Aunque no es alcohólica, comparte ingredientes esenciales con la cerveza, como la cebada malteada, y está elaborada con una combinación de tres tipos de malta: pilsner, Munich y malta de caramelo.
Su color caramelo intenso y su espuma ámbar crean una presentación elegante y atractiva. Al acercarla, su aroma a caramelo me cautivó de inmediato. Y al probarla, ¡qué experiencia! Es dulce, pero equilibrada, con un sabor lleno de carácter que no abruma y un final que invita a seguir disfrutándola.
Además, tiene un alto contenido de vitaminas del complejo B, lo que la convierte en una opción interesante y nutritiva. Para mí, Hyper Malt fue la ganadora de esta cata, y estoy seguro de que también te sorprenderá si le das una oportunidad.

Now we go to Hyper Malt, a German malt that really surprised me. Although it is non-alcoholic, it shares essential ingredients with beer, such as malted barley, and is brewed with a combination of three types of malt: pilsner, Munich and caramel malt.
Its deep caramel color and amber foam create an elegant and attractive presentation. Upon approaching it, I was immediately captivated by its caramel aroma. And when I tasted it, what an experience! It's sweet, but balanced, with a flavor full of character that doesn't overwhelm and a finish that invites you to keep enjoying it.
It is also high in B vitamins, making it an interesting and nutritious choice. For me, Hyper Malt was the winner of this tasting, and I'm sure it will also surprise you if you give it a chance.

Aunque la Martens no fue completamente de mi agrado y la Hyper Malt se llevó mis aplausos, quiero recordarles que probar bebidas es siempre una experiencia personal. Lo importante es disfrutar del viaje de sabores y descubrir cuáles conquistan nuestro paladar.
Te invito a ver el video completo, donde me acompañarás en este recorrido entre Bélgica y Alemania. ¿Qué opinas de estas bebidas? ¡Cuéntamelo en los comentarios del video! ¡Dale play, disfruta, y nos vemos en la próxima! ¡Salud!
Although the Martens was not completely to my liking and the Hyper Malt took my plaudits, I want to remind you that tasting beverages is always a personal experience. The important thing is to enjoy the journey of flavors and discover which ones conquer our palate.
I invite you to watch the full video, where you will accompany me on this journey between Belgium and Germany. What do you think of these drinks? Tell me in the comments of the video! Hit play, enjoy, and see you next time! Cheers!

Thank you @maitt87 for sharing your experience. I haven't tasted those beverages in my whole life. It looks yummy and nutritious.
Hyper Malt is really quite nutritious, especially because it is rich in B complex vitamins.
I hope you have the opportunity to try them and then you can tell us all about your experience. Thanks for your visit.
Happy not to have missed this new installment of Tasting Beers. Martens looks great, I think I might like it for what you describe, although today I'm sticking with Hyper Malt. Great video, congratulations, you are an example for the community...
If you are one of those who like smooth beers, you will probably like Martens very much. What I do know is that if you get to try the Hyper Malt, you're going to love it.
Thank you very much for visiting my blog.
That's right, they must be very, very mild beers hahaha, otherwise poor me... I'll look for that malt 😉
The malt called my attention, since I'm a fan of this kind of beverages.
Both European drinks seem worth trying.
Hopefully you will have the opportunity to try some of them and maybe share your point of view with us. Honestly, I was pleasantly surprised by the Hyper Malt, its flavor and especially its aroma are really unique. Thanks for your visit.
Hyper Malt siempre se lleva mis aplausos. Cada vez que salgo en bicicleta me permito beber una malta. Amo la malta y esa en particular se encuentra mucho por acá en La Habana.
Gracias por compartir tu experiencia, @maitt87.
Ah, entonces sabes verdaderamente de lo que hablo con respecto a la Hyper Malt. Sin duda es muy sabrosa y refrescante y cuando tenga la oportunidad, la volveré a probar.
Gracias por tu visita.
👌 Ha sido un placer.
Hola.. Disculpa el abuso, Puedes apoyar con un voto a mi esposo @albertocoachbl en este concurso?? Te dejo el link del post 🙏
Gracias de antemano 🥰🥰