Dream foods

in Hive Food2 years ago


Alot of things are necessary in life .
Food comes to mind when ever someone wants to feel relaxed or go out on dates too ..

Well i just want to list out some few benefits of fresh tomatoes and pepper .

Here in my country , alot of things can be made using fresh tomatoes and peppers too,..

In as much as we still have different verities of food, this two combination have been used to make various source that can be used to eat alot of things too.

Major health benefits of fresh tomatoes and pepper include:

**They contain antioxidant lycopene, it also has several health benefits which helps to reduced a lot of risks like chronic heart disease.

*They help in creating healthy Skin.
lycopene supports healthy glowing skin by protecting it from alot of harmful effects that is being caused as a result of sun radiations.
It contains Vitamin A, which helps to promotes healthy skin , as well

*Lycopene has been said to contain some anti Cancer Properties on research,
This might help to reduce risk of developing prostate, colorectal, and stomach cancer.
Studies and research have shown that the antioxidant might some how he able to slow the growth of cancerous cells

** The tomatoes has been said to have calcuim property that aids in Bone Health development.
the calcium and Vitamin K found in ripe tomatoes play a role here ,it helps to strengthening and repairing bones, including bone tissue*.

*The major part of having a healthy Heart is also found in Tomatoes which contains Vitamin B and potassium, it is said to help in reducing cholesterol levels and lower blood pressure too.

*The Vitamin A helps to improve eye sight too..
It also helps to supports the eye's structure and it has been said to have properties that may likely improve night vision

In general it has been proven that
Tomatoes provide many health benefits

It has high in fibre

Contains low calories,

Has low fat, and
Also have several nutritious vitamins and healthy antioxidants too