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RE: Una pizza que nos sacó de apuros (Es/En)

in Hive Food3 years ago

It was an unusual day, however, we enjoyed it to the fullest. As long as we are healthy and with our loved ones, there will always be great and unforgettable moments that I will treasure in my heart.

Exactly the point that touched my thoughts as I read through. Being together with Family brings warmth to the heart and I felt emotional as I read it through. The love and happiness was just evident. Whenever I'm away from home, even if it's a comfortable place I still long for home because for me that's where true comfort is, with Family.

Exactamente el punto que tocó mis pensamientos mientras leía. Estar junto a la familia trae calidez al corazón y me sentí emocionado mientras lo leía. El amor y la felicidad eran evidentes. Siempre que estoy lejos de casa, aunque sea un lugar cómodo, sigo añorando mi hogar porque para mí es ahí donde está la verdadera comodidad, con la Familia.

Well done @abisag enjoy family and make memories.

Bien hecho @abisag disfruta en familia y crea recuerdos.


That's right my friend, home nourishes our heart and renews our soul. Being together with our loved ones is a great blessing. I hope that very soon you will be able to be with your family again and feel the warmth and love they give us.

There are difficult circumstances that prevent many from being at home, but we must not lose hope.

Thank you very much for your appreciation 🤗🤗🤗🤗