deadspace cross-posted this post in Guitar 2 years ago

Angelmaker - Leech - Guitar Cover

in Music2 years ago

Hello there, you fine digital degenerates of Hive. Why don't you take a seat, relax and watch me play a guitar cover of a song that I'm sure 99.9 percent of you have probably never heard of since the metal community is a microcosm on Hive. That song being "Leech" by the Canadian based deathcore band, Angelmaker. I guess this also serves as a heads up for anyone who's not a fan or tolerant of metal that you'll probably just wanna go ahead and give me your god damn updoots you son of a bitch skip this since it won't be your cup of tea. Anyways, I'm going to go back to being a skeleton now. Cheers, bruvs.