in Tech Flow3 years ago


Technology is one of the common reasons why people tag this generation lazy.

The question most people often ask is ...!

Why this generation,

Why are the youth so uninterested in lots of physical things rather than focus online,

is it because the new generation grew up in an era when technology is developing faster..

Is the new tech to be incorporated into every aspect of our lives?!

Looking at years back, we can see how technology has became extremely relevant during this generation.

Big innovations like Advanced Computers, advanced electronic calculators,
MP3 players ,
Drones, phones , android tv's and so many other advances tech.


People in todays generation can go on their computers or smartphones through the internet,and they get to stay there for long hours just to find informations and ideas on so many things and this things actually takes them out of the present vicinity were they hardly contribute to the visible society,
Many just chat to while away time, some watch movies and videos and most just surf the internet to fill thier eyes on things.

The generation mostly contribute online rather than on realities ,

this comes with big issues like when sombody in this current generation is being asked questions even the simplest of questions, you find out that they are now consistently reliant on technology and internet.

The truth is that the advancement of this modern day devices and technology are incredibly helpful in our daily lives,
But ,

This leads to the detriment of physical work put or efforts on modern society's,
This advance tech makes youths to work less physically and they are always stuck on the internet.

This computers in reality help us find information faster than going to a library,
Computer makes one do much work load faster especially in getting lots of calculators done ontime and it helps in even math classes and lots of other subject..


Here is another reason why our generation is tagged lazy

If our generation had better communication skills, then maybe our work ethic would be better as well.

Some kids in our generation have now grown out of control.

Most parents failed in some aspect of training their kids and the fact that some of this kids were not instilled with proper work ethics and values as children have actually caused lots of mayhem in the society.

Most adults go so easy on kids especially when those said kids are making lots of silly mistakes and lots of
parents, as well as teachers, who teaches this kids will rather focus more on the use of technology than instilling discipline just to avoid possible outburst of the kids or wards , this is because they themselves did not possess this techs during their time and they seem to find it more easier to allow kids to use computers to learn other than doing it themselves..

Some parents in this 21st century will rather have their kids learn online than going to an actual class room ..
Some blame it on the moral decadence of the society while others are simply being unavailable to help their kids grow due to lack of parenting time and attention toward the kids..

This has created many problems and issues with this younger generation just because when they get to interact in public, most people do not like when something's does not go their way or if they hardly get what they want..
This makes most kids disrespectful and angered just because they didnt get something which they desperately want

These are just few things that have made people tag this generation as '"THE LAZY GENERATION"'.

In present times ,one of the biggest reason our generation is considered lazy is because they act very entitled.
Many just act like we deserve everything even when we have never worked for it

the truth is this generation have an incredibly hard time holding down simple jobs just because we are constantly on our phones and are ignoring our responsibilities.

In this situations ,just understand that even if theres still need to cure boredom with something ,
It should not only be just technology because it cant be the only answer in as much as it helps to engage people on lots of things. It still stand as the 80% reason why some youths in this generation are lazy.

We all need a workable generation that have willingness to work and communicate with each other more, instead of just texting each other through social media all the time.