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RE: Christmas Lunch FundaKantoría

Happy New Year @fundakantoria Did you realize you posted this twice?

Hoping the year ahead is full of community, song and much joy.

We ARE curating @ecotrain more tightly in 2020 so are mostly giving our upvotes to eco-green and eco-village content. Maybe you can share more about that in relation to your music work? Do you sing songs about the environment? What do the members of @fundakantoria DO to preserve and nourish thier own natural environments in Venezuela? Not every post has to be a song! :) Does @fundakantoria encourage recycling? Maybe tell us about that too. :)

Leading the curation trail for both @ecotrain & @eco-alex.
Together We’re Making This World A Better Place.

Click Here To Join the manually curated trail "@artemislives" to support quality eco-green content.



Oh yes, my dear friend @artemislives it was a mistake, the page 3steemspeak in which I upload the videos said constantly that it was in maintenance, and when it was updated the same thing was published 2 times, I tried to fix it by putting this publication purely in ENGLISH (for you) and the next publication in SPANISH for our people, I hope you don't fine me for it... OH!!!

Regarding what you tell me about ECOTRAIN, yes, we have a song about WATER and another one about EARTH, we also encourage our children to work for the environment, we will see how we adapt to continue having their great support.
Again, thank you for your help and we wish you prosperity in this 2020.