We do need more people like myself that will go out and find and comment on post. I have a small group of people that I comment on regularly, of content producers who's work I personally value and like.
It does take time for people to build a following, to build a post that people can not only vote on but also comment on. A picture all by itself to me is not really comment-able content. A stream of someone playing a game is not really comment-able content to me. Like the ubiquitous quality content, comment deserving content is going to vary.
With the advent of real Community sites, where the owners, admins, and mods are keeping them clean and meaningful, comments on content will increase. The developers working in the Hive Block Chain are doing pretty good at offering tools and various views to make it easier to find content that people want to find.
What good is a post, if no one really cares about it?
Prior to communities all post were run by tags, the big curation tags got by far the most post, making it very difficult for individual POST to stand out and be seen. With communities, people have a chance to bring their post to the people that might enjoy it and see it.