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RE: What Do I Want Out of Hive/STEEM?

in Threespeak - OLD2 years ago

Going to be running mkt maker contracts on all the pairs escpecially the large spread and spt pairs to stop the raping of the spread and get some for me to since others are gettting excessive loot that is another way and just keep plowing capital until i get it to where i need to be and raising with the 3/10 7 im not going to explain as they are not things i want ppl to do bc i came up with it and i dont want ppl profiting off my idea before i can do it. After go a head or if you figure them out but if not just will need to wait but here good ways to profit and build it up. Like i only have 5K in hive it votes .25 plus per vot now what if we have ppl vote with that much say for 100 days and curate and do anything to get money and referral loot then after 100 days we come invest and deploy the capital other than staking and stable investments. 100 ppl will be 25 dollars a vote times say 10 a day or like 50-70K that the fund can use to invest per year just from hive not the other tokens or 20-40 reward sites like this . can literally make a fortune and invest it to creat that fortune. INvest is the key word and stary a business is really the best way to get excessive wealth except if you were lucky like my dad had a high paying job and saved millions but he could have had over 100 million if he invested a bit more aggressivly he had money in savings bons for a while still ended up with alot and will likelu get 20 million each my sister and i to start the family yrtust whihc will take care of the family and put rules in place ensuring it never runs out only income is withdrawn unless a matter of life of death and have the money offshore llc in a asset protection trust with members owning the llc units in the family and will be a good planning tool to use fo rthe house so we can rent it to my parents by them forgiving the mortgage at the gift exclusion to max that out each year as estate taxes we dont and wont pay can donante to a priv fdn and keep control of the moeny donating 4% then pay yourelf and kids a salary to donate oney from the charity at 4% a year and get a dedcution no wonder why rich ppl donate to charity in there own foundations it helps there kids and keeps it out of the estate totally but in the families control forevrer if the min donations are made and can be used as a way to keep the estate from ever being taxed and pay out a annual salary to direct the priv fdn and head up the public charity it donates to whihc will be headed up by me and be for animals and be a luxury shelter as i have asoft spot for animals and cant stand to see them mistreaded so figure i can do something about it once the fund pays out for me on my 25% whihc will be significanty as i will be putting 500K in worth of assets as well as my 25% promote in addition for preferred voting shares with a preferred 10% distribution and 50% split of cash flow up to 20% with the rest going to a misc fund for a club trip each year to spend a 1K-10K per person hopefully for spl fest or hive fest and get all members there if we can raise capital using are own hive and the 9 other ways work well like selling out of my own store using a debit card to place the order getting ppl x % back bc i have areally cool 5% plus cash back card which will give members a 2% return on when they contyribute money to the fund or receive money by invoicing the fund for the distribution and sending it to a new bank bonus to get more capital each time to use the ddp for each distribution. This might sound nuts but really think about it and look at how many bonuses are there hundreds and guess what after 1-2 years u can repeat them so its a legit 6 figure income solo lol and with a spouse triple it and 2 kids add another 2X per kid bc you can do there s to which is what i do with my family and pay them half in commission bc they dont care to do it and dont wnat money but they need to gret something lol. NOw that i have the local gorup where we can meet up and sit and fund this thing to its oing to move no more when we gret to the point to put the money up and do work everyone bails this time will be exciting for ppl bc its literally a free lunch form the bank why they let it happen most ppl keep using the cards getting fees from the transactions which more than covrers the 100 bonus but u dont pay lol so free to you. If you said 2 years ago id say this was crazy thats before i did test it and it works flawlessless and the easiest ones can be done in 1-2 hours for 2k how easy for a new player to do 1-2 K all i need is 500 to 1K ppl to do it and i make a million bucks extra which half goes to the trasury and half to me as comp bc this is years of work and planing and researching how to make alot of this work and its time i get paid for it best part wont cost anyone anything bc the money is free esentially from the bonus as its oney you never woulld have figured out likely bc not many even think this way.