One of the best crypto trading strategy !

in Threespeak - OLD5 years ago (edited)

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I'm not that big trader to talk about this topic and I'm not an investment advisor as well !

But, I hate to see people losing money just because they didn't know how to do things.

At least I have some experience and I shared it in the video.

I can't explain everything in the post and all the details are in the video.

Enjoy watching.

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what a cool strategy....@clixmoney

Posted via Steemleo

That's a good strategy , It will help us to know more about trading.

Posted using Partiko Android


how long have you been using the strategy??

Posted via Steemleo

I can't say that I trade everyday, but I learned about it just with trying again and again.

yeah it will and knowing more about trading can help us get more profits..

Posted via Steemleo

@tipu curate

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for support.

well having a trading strategy is good but sometimes the market can behave in a way that will make us think of changing our strategies and finding a new one..

Posted via Steemleo

Yeah, but there are some things that will stay the same like I told in the video.

this has happened to me alot of times...

Posted via Steemleo

this strategy is a wonderful one and i also love the fact that the strategy is simple to understand and make use of..

Posted via Steemleo

i agree with you that the strategy is easy to understand..

Posted via Steemleo

Glad to be useful.