--The United Kingdom is publicly exploring stepping back from its alliance with the United States under Donald Trump after endless reckless behavior by the US President
Is this the tip of the iceberg?
▶️ 3Speak
--The United Kingdom is publicly exploring stepping back from its alliance with the United States under Donald Trump after endless reckless behavior by the US President
Is this the tip of the iceberg?
▶️ 3Speak
He added: "Friends and enemies that are independent make you choose."
Why do you think he'd say such a thing?...I couldn't get to the Sunday Times article as it's subscription based but evidently what he's saying here is that taking out Soleimoni, a terrorist who operated independently gets more credence than the US as they haven't spoken of distancing themselves from Soleimoni when he was alive as they have spoke of possible distancing itself from the US. He says so right there, they make you chose. What's the real difference? One they chose out of fear and retribution, the other they chose because they don't have the same fear and fear of retribution. It's this fear that had allowed Soleimoni to grow across several countries instilling fear. In the end who was right that this man was allowed to run around and instill fear? Obviously Trump as evident by a calm populace whom everyone assume would rise up in a fit of anger and retaliate...that didn't materialize so it's reflective that this man just wasn't viewed by those within the US intelligence and military community as one to be feared but by many in the middle east. It was this same fear that drove them to distance themselves from the attack, it wasn't just them, that should tell you something. You either chose to live in fear or you don't. Trump actually ordered the hit on him several months ago, it wasn't a spur of the moment decision. The reign of fear, intimidation and death was going to end the minute he harmed another US service member, that's exactly what happened. Frankly many Americans don't care what Britain fears if you look at the comments on many of the blogs, they allowed themselves to be overcome with fear not just externally but internally. Helpless groups of their own citizens being mowed down in the streets, being attacked savagely by knife wielding thugs and their woman being brutally raped. Every country has it's own problems, they don't need to import more. Not that immigration is a bad thing, what's a bad thing is the way you go about it, one of those ways isn't to allow people to just flood over your borders. When you take in people who wouldn't ordinarily migrate to a country you still need to vet those individuals otherwise what you end up with is taking in the good with the bad. There are consequences to having a bleeding heart, Europe is living with those consequences. One reason why they were shaking in their boots at the Syria withdrawal. Better us than them get stuck with more of the worse of the worst of them they figure, just like they figure we can just sit there and keep babysitting their worse of the worst, they don't want them back nor do they want to share in their upkeep. That's why he says they worry, not wonder as you misquoted it, that the US will withdraw from it's leadership around the world. If that were to happen they'd have to step up and take responsibility for their own and themselves. Something they have proven incapable of since they can't even pay up their dues when it comes to NATO. So no this will not, as you said, hurt us financially, we are and have been hurt financially by all this.
When it comes to the debate over intelligence sharing that comes as a direct result of decisions made during the Obama years. Orders went out that products made by Huawei and ZTE, Chinese owned companies, could not be used in the military. They further warned Americans last year not to buy Huawei and ZTE phones as they could be used to spy on Americans and to conduct undetected espionage attacks. The companies say they adhere to the best of business practices but when have the Chinese ever adhered to the best of business practices? The number one complaint companies have is that of Chinese companies stealing their patented material. Many people may think that Iran poses the biggest potential threat to America but in reality it's the Chinese. There's not one intelligence agency within the US who isn't sounding the alarm, and your main sidekick CNN ran that story headline ablaze.
Our intelligence agencies know things we will never know, somethings just need to be based on trust, if the UK wants to install a G5 network using Huawei then we have to trust that it must be pretty serious if the US wouldn't trust sharing intelligence with them anymore.
Looking over the last year (not cover like you said) yes I am sure they have concerns, those concerns are a result of their own actions or lack there of, if they continue to keep making wrong decisions they may well find themselves in a situation where they find themselves at their own defenses. Make no doubt about though, our president is making all the right decisions to ensure to the best of his abilities that not only those born in this country but those who came here to reside along others peacefully will not find this country falling into the same inescapable mess that many in Europe are now dangling with, or that many left to come here.
It's best that you and your boys attend to the bathroom fight and let the big boys take care of the tough stuff.
Well, personally, I was in London during 9/11, which was good since scores of my friends and colleagues died in the the world trade center, including two co-workers / friends who took my place at a regular market data meeting on the 110th floor. I stayed at a hotel airport trying to fly out while all the flights were cancelled. I will always remember - the hotel airport usually flew a U.S. flag, probably because so many US travelers stayed there. But that day, they took the US flag down. Why ? I guess because they feared being a target due to flying the US flag right after 9/11. Was that the tip of the iceberg ?