2020 Campaign is Going to Be UGLY
The 2020 Presidential campaign may be uglier than any that we've seen in the past, and we discuss why this is the case, including Donald Trump now having a lot to lose, and much more
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The 2020 Presidential campaign may be uglier than any that we've seen in the past, and we discuss why this is the case, including Donald Trump now having a lot to lose, and much more
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Going to be ugly? Bruh, it already is. American politics has turned into an openly hostile, "us vs. them" confrontation that I thought stayed in 3rd world countries.
If you ever happen to meet a candidate for office, ask them to say three things they like or admire about their opponent. See how many candidates can do this.
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Yeah I was going to say the same thing. How fucking much worse does it need to get?
World War 3? Nah that's not nearly as bad as some fucking tweet!
Lol your last paragraph is so profoundly out of touch it hurts.
Yeah, lets be nice to donald fucking trump. Thatll win!!
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My grandfather was mayor of a small town in rural America for three terms in the 70's and 80's. And every time he campaigned, he sat down for lunch with the person he was running against. And they did that every week. They didn't see each other as mortal enemies. They saw each other as humans. As people.
You say my comment is so out of touch it hurts. I could say the same of you. You are so blinded by hatred that you don't see other people as people. Maybe that was why I brought it up in the first place.
Keep up the hatred, let it gnaw at your soul, and devour you from within. Become the thing you despise so much. And pray you snap out of it before it's too late.
Yes, let's tell donny how much his steel cages are pristine and shiny and about how great those drone strikes were.
Being a mayor and being president are different things, you're blinded by ideology and it's extremely cringey.
A mayor does not preside over concentration camps, or drone strikes, try again, bud. You need to check with reality and not the rose tinted past.
And you need to not let yourself be controlled by your emotions. You're letting yourself be controlled by hate. You're going off on unrelated tangents, about things that are unrelated to what I'm talking about. I'm trying to talk about civility, you're trying to attack my character. I'm not blinded by ideology, not once have I brought in any of your talking points, nor did I mention the president. You did that all on your own. You're the one blinded by ideology, and it's extremely cringey.
And the fact that you missed the point entirely speaks far more to how lost you already are. Do you even know what my point was? My entire point was that we spend so much time in this "us vs them" mentality that it's poisoning our country. And your replies play right into my point. I hate to break it to you, but you're the bad guy here, not me. Try a little civility, it works wonders. Speaking from experience.
Duuude, this is so cringe.
Donald Trump is literally murdering children in yemen, and you advocate for erasing that fact and want presidential candidates to eat lunch with him and talk about how great he is.
I'm not "controlled by emotions", I'm presenting facts. Actually, you are the one controlled by emotions if you get offended when someone calls out your garbage, and can't debate the facts of the matter.
Being nice to murderers is not civility, it's erasure of their crimes and their victims.
Again, I didn't say anything about how great any candidate is. I'm talking about seeing people as people. You're going off on Syria and steel cages, foregoing my points entirely. And yes, you are being controlled by your emotions. You're so angry that I'm calling for the same civility I'm giving you, and that you're conflating me with murderers. I mean, I could just tell you to fuck off and mute you, but what good would that do? As long as people keep digging trenches and see others as libtards or degenerate rednecks, things are only going to get worse. We could continue othering people, treating those we don't like as sub human. Or we could try and look beyond that. You know, give people a chance to heal. It's not "erasing crimes or victims," a you put it. It's a chance for victims to heal.
But hey, you want blood? You're gonna get it soon enough. Keep it up, see where this takes you. You've played Warcraft 3, right? Remember Arthas Menethil? So blinded by his zeal to strike down the forsaken, he didn't see that he was being led straight into their ranks. But he was right, wasn't he? The forsaken were a blight upon Lordaeron. They were soulless monsters, deserving only of being slain. Arthas was so far into that mindset that it tainted him from within. He thought Froalstmourne would help him defeat the forsaken, only to find out that it was made by the forsaken to recruit him to their ranks.
There's an analogy here. Sometimes you have to take a step back, before you plunge yourself into the abyss. And maybe, just maybe, that person you're arguing with might not be a bad person. They might have all the right intentions, just like you.
I hope the alt media doesn't make the same mistake as last election .. Don,t buy into the bread and circuses and only talk about the the main stream parties . The alternative parties and independents need to be spoken of and interviewed or they will remain voiceless once again and the voters will not know of real alternatives!
After democrats completely collapse we will likely see a full out reform. Maybe the green party will come in or Mark Zuck will take us into full dystopia technocracy.
Lol surprised you didn't mention the libertarian party!
Bizarre fanfiction nonetheless
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lol not sure either of those options are any more appealing!
I know right... We are definitely living in some fucking weird times.
I know right... We are
Definitely living in
Some fucking weird times.
- thecastle
I'm a bot. I detect haiku.
Dude what are you babbling about, you are an algorithmic social media echo chamber. You consistently use labels to describe Trump supporters in a disparaging but false manner, you did it within a few seconds of making your call of awareness about "algorithmic echo chambers" by saying those living in red states are infected like a virus.