Bernie Smear Goes Viral, We Should Be Disgusted

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--A smear of Bernie Sanders over allegedly sexist things he supposedly said to Elizabeth Warren goes viral on the eve of tonight's Democratic presidential debate, and it stinks to high heaven

Why is Warren attacking Bernie?

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Berni is indeed great

That's what I just got done explaining to cyberdemon in relations to the Des Moines Register Polling, CNN wanted to change the narrative after a Des Moines Poll showed Bernie in the lead over Biden. That's why it was important that the poll was conducted in alignment with Des Moines Register poll, they wanted people to assume by name recognition that people had changed their minds within a matter of days. Just as they did here, they wanted to try and further erode Bernies support as he was in the lead over Biden....and that simply isn't the message the establishment wants out there. They view Biden as their strongest chance against a Trump re-election's really all a waste of time as I don't view any of the three of them as strong enough to take Trump down.