7 Secret Hiding Hacks! DIY Hidden Stash And Compartment Craft Ideas

Are you eager to secure your most precious items? Us also! We came up with a bunch of hiding techniques that will keep your stuff safe! Discover ways on how to send top-secret messages to your agent friends using lemon juice or red filters. Learn how to hide your belongings within double drawers, hidden pockets, notebooks, plastic bottles and more!

0:00 Red Filter Message Reveal
1:21 Hidden Candy Stash
2:42 Hidden Drawer Layer
4:27 Secret Plastic Bottle Compartment
6:07 Secret Lemon Juice Message
7:32 Laptop Cam Coverup
9:26 Secret Money Stash

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Love the music used in this video? We find our music on EpidemicSound: https://bit.ly/2JcUlBa

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#HidingHacks #SpyHacks #DIYStash


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