In reference to (1:08:44) we should give people "moderator rights" to their own personal blogs. We should give individuals the same rights as the "moderated tag admins". That way, people could mute (or screen) comments on their own blogs and block individuals from commenting (or opt-into blacklists) on their own blogs.
It would also be nice to be able to opt-into "mute" blacklists for people who don't want to see "trash" (it could mirror the nsfw toggle feature).
We should get rid of the reward-pool and just give it to the witnesses.
Multiple "mute" blacklists that can be toggled off and on (like the nsfw toggle) would seem to fix both the "spammy" problem and diverting the reward-pool to witnesses and implementing a quick-tipping-system would solve the "reward-pool-self-voting-11%-interest-farming" problem.
It would also be nice to be able to quick-tip posts older than seven days!!