So something really weird happened.. I got notifications about my video on 3speak being up voted. Its a very old video, from over a year ago. But here's the thing, I didn't post it... I mean I posted it over a year ago (can't remember exactly,) but I didn't post it now..
Anyone got any idea how this could happen? Should I be worried? Is it a bug on 3speak or something?
It was some kind of 3speak issue.
3Speak probably only has ur posting key (which you gave it, to be able to log into 3speak)
OK, thanks. That's good to know.
Oh phew... Thanks, good to know! I was pretty surprised...
you still should look deeper into it and which keys you gave to 3speak
or maybe renew keys to be safe
Thanks, I will. Although it seems to have happened to those who haven't shared their keys with 3dpeak either.... Either way I'll look into it.
You could also still upload a new Podcast :3
Same weird activity here. An old video of mine shows as reposted hours ago. I think 3speak is facing issues, yesterday I couldn't upload a video cause it kept giving me 502 bad gateway.
OK, good to know... Thanks for letting me know, it was weird suddenly getting notifications without posting..
I mentioned the 3speak account on a comment of mine so if they answer with more info about the issue I will let you know.
Same issue here too, exactly like you describe. However, I am quite positively sure I have NOT give ANYONE ANY of my keys, not even an entity like 3Speak. So I followed the link that happens to be upvoted by several followers (thank you), and it turns out, my video is apparently gone. :-( So next I try to access my 3Speak - which granted, I don't do very often, and instead of giving me the options of Keychain, Hivesigner, etc. it wanted an e-mail & password. Not knowing which password it could be, I opted to be sent an e-mail which never came. That's when I gave up, as it seemed all too weird for me.
How exceptionally weird... I do use 3speak and log in with email and password, but haven't been in for a couple of weeks.. I'll check it out today and maybe update here. Thanks for letting me know.