NSFW-The Front Line in the Pandemic War | Popp Culture Uncensored

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The doctors and nurses of the world are putting themselves on the line everyday, fighting a very dangerous unseen enemy. They deserve our thanks and respect.

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Sources (in order of appearance):

  1. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/
  2. https://archive.ph/8pFsD
  3. https://archive.ph/PWQsC
  4. https://archive.ph/min9y
  5. https://archive.ph/Bopy8
  6. https://archive.ph/QQPAE
  7. https://archive.ph/q2x8S
  8. https://archive.ph/wI1Ib
  9. https://archive.ph/YvSlh
  10. https://archive.ph/Tk5pZ
  11. https://archive.ph/5yitX

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