I Guess I Am Now A Conspiracy Theorist, At Least According To YouTube

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YouTube went through and whacked some accounts that do not agree with the mainstream message that is being promoted.

In this video I discuss how the battle grounds are shaping up. The YouTube/3Speak dichotomy is playing out in an interesting way.

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Let them censor. The more it becomes obvious, the more people will turn their backs on them.
I'm a prime example: Just recently I went full "alternative". I'm not using Microsoft, Google, Apple anymore. Switched to Linux, LineageOS (no Gapps), DuckDuckGo, Blockchain-Sites (Steemit, LBRY). They can go fuck themselves.

Censorship is a way to death for YouTube

The problem is that David Icke is not absurd and the vast majority of what he says makes perfect sense. I have some doubts about details, but the end result he predicted is coming to pass.

PS - thanks for the mention!

No problem for the mentoin @zoidsoft. It is certainly warranted. You put together a well thought out view of how you see things unfolding.

Yes Icke tends to be in the vicinity of truth over time. Give it a decade or so and his "conspiracies" tend to get more mainstream.

Posted Using LeoFinance

I am glad that the censorship is ramping up - it is just accelerating our emancipation from the status quo websites.

Example: they shut down LondonReal interview/livestream with David Icke, and now Brian Rose is building an independent video platform and a new blockchain to go with it. His last livestream had a million viewers!

I say: let the idiots shoot themselves in their totalitarian feet - a better, brighter and freer future awaits us without them!

Great points @joelingo.

We are seeing them shoot themselves in the foot. Could this be the start of the demise of Web 2.0?

It will be exciting to watch if it is.

Posted Using LeoFinance

I think we are about to see a hard fork in the media space. The mainstream outlets will survive, like East Germany, with its STASI and police state, and they will have to pretend real hard that the web 3.0 doesn't exist because they will be unable to fight it effectively. And web 3.0 will flourish, but I don't see it completely replacing web 2.0.

We will see both more and less freedom in the world, and both more centralization and more decentralization, all at the same time, if that makes sense. The intro quote to A Tale Of Two Cities comes to mind.

I think you are right. There are going to be millions of people who will not transition, believing what they are told is real and true.

A big part of it is the older generation who simply cannot turn off the MSM, believing their flavor is the "truth". They do not realize they are being programmed just the same.

Posted Using LeoFinance

Is there a URL yet?

Not yet, as far as I know.

3speak FTW!

A mobile app would go a long way towards bringing that into being.

Posted Using LeoFinance

Submit or be canceled, it's the new norm.

"Obey they masters."

Posted Using LeoFinance

Unbelievable! Censorship of informative stuff that might threaten their profitability is crazy.

The board of directors making threats related to the profitability if the big stake holders result, in part, with the screwing of the normal person doing the work. I can understand the need to trim the fat and make things more efficient but this opportunistic and draconian.

Nothing like a crisis to mobilize the mind and the body. I wonder what sort of revolution we are headed towards.

Nice to see centralized self servers digging their own grave and that you found a home here years ago where good information can be shared freely. You are asking the questions that need to be asked.

The thing is that YouTube is such a small part of Googles overall profitability (some even question whether it is profitable), that the Board doesnt even see it.

Of course, there could be the backroom deal that goes something like this: promote the agenda through silencing of the critics and we wont investigate you or push absurd privacy rules on you.

Posted Using LeoFinance

You are a bad man. Everybody knows that. How can you blame YouTube?

Please continue.

I know @bigtom13. I am simply a rebel without much of a clue.

Always walking on the wrong side of town, or at least the YouTube elite.

Posted Using LeoFinance

Well, its better than being a Coincidence Theorist!

Let them push people off, great chance to help them find hive

Own the word. When ever I see the word "conspiracy", "denier", or "racist"; I have come to expect that the content is worth checking out. Even though the content might be racist, or absurd.

Now you see how your feed in the MSM is manipulated. Why would you accept the MSM idea that the current warming activity is due to human activity? Why would you accept their conspiracy theory that the 9-11 attacks were masterminded by O.B.L. or that Covid-19 comes from bats? You could be mis-labeled a racist any time now.

Come to Carbonist Community. Maybe you will find it "wacko", and it will be flagged for being not AGW.

This is an #informationwar.

Please note that there are about a dozen and a half sites where you can upload videos? Decentralized means you post to all of these platforms, until there can be a new gossip protocol where between these sites they share uploaded videos among themselves automatically.

I wish you were my neighbor.. 😄

Great points here brother, thinking critically doesn't make you a conspiracy theorist in my books!


In this video, the speaker discusses his views on mainstream media, censorship, and the control exerted by powerful entities like Google, Facebook, and governments. He expresses his skepticism towards the narratives pushed by these mainstream sources and advocates for decentralization, citing platforms like 3Speak as examples. The speaker challenges the mainstream agenda regarding various issues, including climate change, terrorism, and the current pandemic. He criticizes the actions of major corporations and individuals like Bill Gates, suggesting they are pushing their own agendas. The speaker emphasizes the importance of people coming together, utilizing technology to empower themselves, and questioning the information presented by traditional media sources.

Detailed Article:
The speaker starts by addressing the label of being a conspiracy theorist and asserts that he doesn't align with the mainstream narrative propagated by entities like Google, Facebook, and governments. He questions the intentions behind the control and censorship imposed by these entities on dissenting voices, labeling them as skeptics or conspiracy theorists to marginalize them.

The discussion then shifts towards mainstream media, with the speaker expressing distrust towards outlets like CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC, arguing that they serve to instill fear, maintain control, and promote agendas rather than objective reporting. He highlights the role of these media conglomerates in shaping public opinion and stifling alternative perspectives.

The speaker discusses the importance of platforms like 3Speak that uphold censorship resistance and offer individuals a voice, contrasting them with centralized platforms like YouTube that prioritize conformity and control. He brings attention to the monopolistic nature of mainstream media, controlled by a handful of corporations and influential individuals.

The conversation delves into various topics including climate change, terrorism, the pandemic, and the actions of figures like Bill Gates. The speaker criticizes the narratives surrounding these issues, questioning the motivations behind them and advocating for critical thinking and independent analysis.

Furthermore, the speaker touches on the potential of decentralized technologies and the empowerment they provide to individuals globally. He emphasizes the need for people to unite, leverage technology, and challenge the prevailing narratives pushed by mainstream sources.

In conclusion, the speaker encourages individuals to question mainstream media, think critically, and join him in advocating for a more transparent, empowering, and decentralized future. He urges viewers to come together and embrace technologies that enable them to shape their own narratives and create a more inclusive and informed society.

 5 years ago  Reveal Comment

Hopefully they get a mobile app soon.

That would really help the platform.

Posted Using LeoFinance