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RE: Marky On Air Episode 31 Recording

in Threespeak - OLD5 years ago

How many active users are there?

No idea, my guess is 8k-20k

When did you start your list of 43k?

I've been working on the blacklist for over 2 years.

Does your list of 43k matter less if there
are not that many active users today?

43k accounts not 43k users. Many are farm networks with 200-500+ accounts. Many are not active anymore but I can't possibly track which ones are using any more and worry about them coming back to spam and plagiarize again.


I just hope that innocent people aren't getting gummed up in the works. I can understand if they are posting spam in the sense that it's the exact same message over and over again. Or if they are posting illegal porn or something to that effect. Those reasons are perfectly acceptable in my book. Where I take issue is the "shitposting," and revenge permadownvotes, it's such a gray area and could easily turn into the ugly things we see today on YouTube and all the other stupid places that I left to come here for. If there are only 8-to-20k active users from that list now it might be nice to know how many active abusers we currently have on steem?

This way we can sort through those accounts and just make sure they deserve to be on the list. This is in the bit of the realm of philosophical, and I don't know if you would agree or not but the English jurist William Blackstone in his seminal work, 'Commentaries on the laws of England' suggested that "it is better 100 guilty Persons should escape than that one innocent Person should suffer". I'm not sure the moral relevance behind the statement or if it should be a maxim of law but it's something to ponder in a position of great power like yourself. You are creating a lot of untermensch with your list, so it's best it be more accurate than not, else innocents will suffer.

Innocent people are not getting gummed in the works. They are all added manually by me.

I used to real a lot of @nanocheeze's work because it' pertains to a similar interest I have in the theory of many worlds or the quantum theory of reality. That is to say that some people believe there many universes, even DWAVE proponents suggest this is true and that we are borrowing qubits from different dimensions. It's some real either sciencey stuff. Anywho, I noticed that you unpersoned them and it hurts me because I didn't even notice this stuff happen in real time. I make so many friends here it's hard to keep track of all of them. Can I ask what they did wrong to get unpersoned?

He is not on my blacklsit. He is on SteemStem's blacklist.

It appears you invisalined their
last eight posts into oblivion.

I'd like to read their posts and did read their posts too from time to time. When I have to click [show] and then [show] again to see their images it pisses me off. Is SteemStem also you, because you are the highest downvoter which invisalined their posts?

I did flag him, but I am not SteemStem.

What did they do "wrong?"
Why did you keep flagging them?
It looks like you killed their spirit?
