There are many vaccines alleged to target viruses - the idea being that the vaccine prepares the immune system to defend against the pathogen in advance. In reality there are often complications that limit the effectiveness and cause harmful effects. The immune system is not correctly primed by vaccines as evidenced by the reality that vaccines need to be repeated over time - whereas natural immunity tends to only require one exposure. At least that is my, also limited, understanding!
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Yeah I agree, kinda defeats the point of a vaccine if you have to keep having one haha! I also try not to have any painkillers if I can help it unless it really is an absolute last resort - maybe I am just a glutton for punishment!
Avoiding painkillers is a good idea. Pain is a signal that personal limits have been exceeded and exists for a reason. Even though sometimes pain can seem excessive and numbing may be needed, my understanding is that to return to full health means eventually needing to bring consciousness even to the pain that was previously denied.
Some painkillers that have been used for decades are not even understood (publicly) - and are often associated with major health problems long term.
Yeah pain is there for a reason! I've only whipped out the codeine on a couple of occasions when I've literally had no option. Migraines being the worst culprit at times. I did tear my hamstring a few years ago and it was a really different kind of pain but the worst was when my appendix burst when I was about 8 years old, wouldn't wish that on anyone 😞
It's the side effects these painkillers can give you that's worrying. Then you start taking painkillers for the pain that the painkillers gave you!