If the county executed this contract and there was:
- Offer
- Acceptance
- Agreement
- Consideration
Then it's enforceable under U.S. law and is treated no different in law than a Union Agreement. While it is cool to look at he daily billing rates, please take the time to show the cost of insurances that the County requires it's contractors to have. I agree on the surface the rates seen very high, but if you can not break down the number into the elements of Cost, Contingencies, G&A and Profit it's just a number, go full hair on fire.
The County should be pressed on their procurement practices. When and if this goes to court, the standard will primarily be two things, a) was the law broken, b) did those approving the contract violate County written procurement policy. Period. Outside of that this is 100% emotional.
Further consider the "county officials" that signed the contract would have only done so only after full approval of outside council. Other than emotions and a couple hair on fire TV investigations no one will be harmed. Oh I forgot the tax payers, their fucked.
Take Away: Attack the policies of the county not the outcome of one contract. The policies have been written and revised for years by both parties to protect the county elected officials and the leach county employees. They have no problem with investigative journalist waving the "smoking gun" contract, pointing to the labor rates and explaining to the sheep what the cost of canceling or termination for convenience.