Gracias amigo. Sí que es una profesión gratificante pero muy sensible, a veces uno quiere hacer más por ellos que lo que en realidad puede hacer. Y en cuanto a los códigos que escribí incorrectamente ya mi amigo asesor me había alertado. Ya no volveré a equivocarme. Muchísimas gracias por el apoyo y las aclaraciones. Saludos.
Thank you my friend. Yes it is a rewarding but very sensitive profession, sometimes you want to do more for them than you can actually do. And as for the codes I wrote incorrectly my consultant friend had already alerted me. I will not make a mistake again. Thank you very much for the support and clarifications. Regards.
If you decide to fix that you can edit your posts by going to the 3 dots at the bottom of the post. I noticed you did not close any of them, that is why the word "/center>" is showing.
Exactly, that was my mistake... sorry
No sorry lol, just wanted to make sure you knew how to edit your post, está muy bien!
Thank you, thank you once again 🥰
@jamerussell I did it...the post has been corrected !!! Thanks a lot !!!
Absolutely my pleasure!😊