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RE: The old man of the house/ El anciano de la casa 🇬🇧 🇪🇸

in Hive Cuba2 years ago (edited)

Well, I love that you're here, and that you had a few laughs. I'm like you, identical. I do not watch tv either, just some movie I download. Or maybe a series I want to watch. I don't have Facebook. I hate it. I'm comfortable under the rock, you know?
My mom just put a bottle of water next to me. Because she saw I always have it and it was empty. So detailistic. She says before she leaves from here she has to clean the house and leave the food ready so I can write. My dad is hilarious. He laughs at everything I say to him. We philosophized a bit about life and now he says we need to talk more often. 😂

That's me in the picture of this post (es una foto de 2004) with a Labrador dog I had, Uma was her name.

Cuando le leí a mi mamá lo que escribí anoche y le conté que me di dos o tres golpes contra la mesa quedándome dormida, se echó a reír y me preguntó que cómo puedo yo escribir una cosa así y que de dónde sale eso. Le contesté con estas palabras:

"Mamani, creo que estoy loca. No sé, verdaderamente, qué hay en mi cabeza"

Cuando vi la notificación de tu comentario sonreí... más cosas en mi cabeza, mipiano. Estos 30 días de ese challenge dicen mucho de mí, you know? A mí me encanta saber about you through your posts. 😉


Your mom knows how to care about you 😇
They are the best at pampering us hahaha (did she prepare you food? no need to get a knife then? ;D )

Hahaha, and laughing with your father, while philosophizing about life... cool 😎
Maybe that is the trick, to try to reflect on the serious stuff through humour. But it's not always easy. I am glad you had a nice time with them, Nanixxx. I see my parents just during summer... They still have that mousetrap in the kitchen furniture, that they made to scare me 😁

And read the story to your mom... She sure was proud of you! And you really fell asleep while writing? hehehee
I hope today you will continue writing!

No knives. They left me a lot of food done and everything tidy. And yes, 🤭 I would fall asleep all the time and dream about what I was writing thinking that I had finished it, until I had a headbutt and well... Once, twice, three times.... With protection count like the boxers hahaha.
Then I looked at the counter clock that said: 3 hours left. And I had more than half of the valid characters left to write. It was crazy. Until I don't know... Something happened and I was able to finish. It's a bit of a violent and complicated story.
Mothers are always proud of their children. You, for example. 🤗

I hope today you will continue writing!

Por supuesto. Nunca me rindo.