Air is as important as fuel

in Horsepower Herd!3 months ago


Recently my Pathfinder had been going off by itself while it's idling.

I initially thought it had something to do with the fuel pump, but I just changed that.
So I filled my tank above half tank just to see if it was the fuel pump not getting enough fuel, but to no avail.

I then thought perhaps it had something to do with the engine or electricals.
Checked all the ports, the fuel filter etc.

Still it still kept going off.

I didn't think to check the air flow into the engine... I just didn't think the flow was insufficient.


But alas there was a leak detected when I took it to my mechanic's workshop - the leak was so inconspicuous, but quite significant.


It took just changing the rubber sealing - a less than $1 fix🤦.

It just proved how important air was to the engine performance.


How is the car driving now! I think you've spent quite a great deal of money on it by now right?

Even though it was less than a dollar's fix! There is always labour to consider!

It's working quite well now.
I think what I've got left as per major work is to fix weak bearings, joints and axles in the front wheels. They make creaky noises while maneuvering bad roads. And then body work... perhaps maybe a paint job.

Yeah my honest opinion, leave the body work for last! Aslong as it's mechanically fine that's okay! Cosmetic is left for luxury😅 the mechanical part is the most important!

Also start with the wheelbearings.

I think I agree with you 💯. An ugly vehicle with a good engine and mechanics is better that a beautiful one with mechanical problems.