¡Ya empieza a parecer navidad! ✨ Cover by June

in Horsepower Herd!3 days ago

Hola, queridos Hivers 🎄❤️
¡Ya empieza a parecer navidad! ✨✨✨
Algo me dice que estas navidades serán especiales.
Uploading 8888.JPG #14

Recuerdo que cuando era pequeña mi abuela llenaba la casa con muchos y bellos adornos navideños,

compraba muchos regalos y nos contagiaba a todos este maravilloso espíritu navideño.
Ahora soy yo la que debe llenarla de felicidad y consentirla con muchos regalos! ¡Estoy emocionada! ❤️
¿Y ustedes? 🎄❤️🎄❤️🎄❤️
Hi, dears Hivers ❤️🎄

As if Christmastime is upon us! ✨✨✨
There's something that tells me that this Christmas will be a profoundly special one.
I recall during childhood when my grandmother decorated the house with gorgeous Christmas decorations, bought a whole heap of presents, and injected into us the delightful Christmas spirit!
Now it's my turn to fill her with joy and spoil her with a ton of gifts!
So excited! ❤️How about you?

🎄❤️You can check it out also on my Instagram @june_universe


Not exactly community related but hey enjoy the festive season!